
Halloween costume idea?

by Guest33341  |  earlier

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I'm what you could call a scene kid, if it helps. I'm 14, and this year I'm going to a halloween party. I want a simple costume idea. I don't want wings jutting out from behind me or anything, or anything S****y. I wanna be unique, and I want extravagant makeup, maybe.

I'm up for almost anything! Just easy to maneuver, inexpensive, and unique.




  1. Oh you could be a windup doll! You just have to get some cardboard and put tinfoil all atound a windup jey type thing and you could do like makeup it would rock but you know what ev

  2. Go as the Heineken Beer guy.

  3. Be the woman from the Matrix, Trinity.  Its feminine and s**y, but in an empowering way not a S****y way.  You could go as a Japanese geisha; I had my geisha make up done on me once at it looked so beautiful.  If you go with the geisha, have a friend do your make up and have her practice it on you at least once before the big day.

    Both these idea are unique and you don't have anything sticking out of you so I really hope you'll like one of them.  Also, I have to say good for you for knowing you can look good without looking like a hooker.  Happy Haunting!

  4. juno or a jabba wokee go 2

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