
Halloween deal with the girls...?

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I'm a 20 year old college student who has made a deal with some of my friends who want me to be a girl for Halloween. (there are 5 of them) I told them that i would agree to do it if they dressed in full goth clothing for that night. Goth clothing being black boots, fishnets, short skirt, some sort of top, preferably corset, black makeup/nails and wig. Understand that most of them are relatively preppy girls who would not normally consider doing this as a costume.

Obviously the more of them who agree to it, the more pressure ill have to do more for the costume. I was thinking however, seeing i will now almodefinitelyely have to do this, that i should make them wear handcuffs at least for part of the night, as that is somewhat part of the subculture.

Id like your opinions on what else i should make them do in return for making me dress up in a girls costume. And what they should have me do.

Another option which i may negotiate is that i choose each individual costume, but we are trying to stay on somewhat of a budget, and goth is cheap too.

Most likely this is the minimum of what i will have to do


-eye makeup

-tight jeans or skirt

-stuffed C cup bra


-possibly shave my legs, though I'm a little hesitant about that one

i feel like this may be worth it to get these girls to do this, so id appreciate no negative feedback but ideas on what to have them do.




  1. haha thats really funny :)

    I guess i would suggest chains for them

    lipstick and a necklace for you

  2. how the h**l is wearing handcuffs part of being Goth?! Are you making a statement that Goths are criminal deviants?

  3. Definately get as much in restraints on them as you can.... and photos, you've gotta email me photos!!!!

  4. Sounds like fun! I would say in order for you to do this, make them act like your dogs. make them crawl around on leashes and bark all night LOL

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