
Halloween party planning for teenagers, does this sound fun to you?

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my 16th birthday is october 14th so i was planning on having a halloween themed party the weekend after.

i am only going to invite about 25 people, and i was planning on projecting a halloween movie onto a huge sheet thing in my backyard [or in the media room if it gets rained out]

also, i was going to have a hardcore flashlight scavenger hunt, and maybe silly string tag

and of course, tons of food and drinks

almost all my friends are theatre kids, or just naturally very fun-loving.

does this sound like a fun party to you, or kinda lame?




  1. ya it sounds ok i haunted house would be cool :)

  2. If  houses are  close might  want let  neighbor  know  whats  up.

    Also  a  scary story  reading  in  a  circle  with  roasted  marshmellows would  be  good. Can  roast in  a  BQ  pit.  

  3. Yeah,

    Sounds fun :D

  4. bombarding music?

  5. I think it will be awesome, maybe a scary storie circle around a fire would be nice and maybe it would be cool if you made your drink red, like blood. You might want to set a jack-a-lantern in the center of your table, actually light it and then turn of the lights. Oh yeah, maybe you and your friends can eat in the dark...spooky... You can also tell your friends to wear their Halloween costumes there.

  6. What matters is what you think about it, isn't that right!  I would suggest that you show the horror classics like Boris Karloff as The Mummy on the sheet thing and possibly Bela Lugosi as Dracula to give it a real artsy feel to your party.  Make sure your decorations all match the them too. Oh and have balloons that are black and orange that are full of helium so they float to the ceiling.  Do your front yard up like a cemetary too. I mean you can really get carried away with this!  So it sounds like you are going to have alot of fun. Happy 16th!

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