
Halo mlg controls? how are they different from the default controls?

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how come whenever i watch mlg halo 3, it says push B to pick up weapon? what controls do they use? if so, give me all the controls.




  1. thats all the choice of the player, they have different configurations to choose from, you can customize it under settings on the start menu. mlg is different than regular slayer though in that you run a bit faster and your sheilds are a bit weaker

  2. That's because most MLG pros use a button layout called "Bumper Jumper".  This makes B swap weapons/reload,  A to swap grenades, LB to jump, and RB to melee. It takes a lot of getting used to, but it's worth it when using a BR because it give you more control over your thumbs when jumping and shooting. If you want it, press start>settings>game controls>button layout>bumper jumper(I think).  MLG also has 90% sheild recharge rate, 110% speed,  and 110% damage resistance.

    Hope this helped :P

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