
Halos around lights when my contacts are in?

by  |  earlier

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Heys! I have yet another contact question! So I had some trials for a week that I thought were horrable. They were sometimes blurry, there were halos around lights, and they were uncomfortable. I went back to my doctor and he gave me another size trials, they are slightly smaller and are so much better! I don't get the blurryness anymore and they are much more comfortable. However, sometimes when I look at lights like the lights on my PS3 or on the digital clock, there are halos around the lights still. I don't have astigmatism so I know its not that. This doesn't happen when I wear my glasses at all, only my contacts. Could it be that the size still isn't right or something else, or is this normal??




  1. I think you should as him,

    I dont remember seeing halos over lights when I had contacts,

    Might be because of the contacts,

    Ask him? :D

  2. Calcium build-up (from your eye secretions) can cause this, but it usually takes a few days at least to build up. Also mascara can cause this when the oils get into the contacts. What type of solution are you using? You also may need to "rub" the contacts even if using a No Rub solution or try different mascara.

  3. I have had contacts for almost a year now and it sometimes does that, and all my friends see it too, its not gonna change. Perhaps ask ur doc for a new prescription test

  4. I wore contacts for 10 years (before Lasik) and everytime I changed perscriptions I experienced the same thing. As your eyes adjust the halos should disappear to some degree, but they could stick around in a diminished state.

  5. Actually, it's quite normal and varies with the type, shape, prescription and size of your lenses. Soft lenses are at least 90% water so they feel soft and you can wear them for hours and hours. The water refracts the light and causes the halos or rainbows around headlights and such. You can try several types to see which works best for you.

    When all we had were hard lenses, we had no halos, but could only wear them for 4-6 hours without pain. You had to "break them in"- start with 2 hours, then 3 hours, etc. They were AWFUL!

    Be thankful for the halos if you can!

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