
Halp!!! I'm Anorexic! What do I do?

by Guest64583  |  earlier

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Okay, I'm anorexic and I don't know what to do! Telling my parents is extremely out of the question and quitting is harder than you'd think. I need help on making the right decision about this.




  1. girl you gotta eat.

    talk to someone close about it.

    eat light until your back to eating again


  2. just tell your parent so they can get you in to a program for people with eating disorders

  3. well...i think you should tell a close friend..or a family mmeber that isnt your parents...that can help you with it,....or help you tell your parents[sorry but i think thats the best way to solve this problem the quickest]..try telling a school counselor or call a hotline for eating disorders..the people who answer are trained professionals that will tell you what you can do next...good luck!

  4. eat something  

  5. just make yourself think that you are hungry even if you cant eat it force it in you and i mean do whatever it take sto force it in you

  6. Well, why is telling your parents out of the question?  IF you are so afraid of telling your parents, then go to a school counselor, your friends parents, or another trusted adult(aunt, grandparent, teacher?).  Tell them your problem and ask for help.  You can't do this on your own.  You need help.  I wish you the best of luck.  

  7. start off with small portions of food, then build your way up you dont have to eat meals just eat like a little snack and force yourself to quit even if its hard.

  8. The other people don't seem to understand, I know what your going through, I am anorexic, (not extreme like refusing to eat) but it is tough. I know telling your parents will be bad,but you have got to see a doctor, this is a life threatening illness, my mom has noticed how I emotionally break down when I see myself in clothes. and How i don't eat as much as i used to. So I might go to a doctor. Listen, I know you can't stop in one day, believe me, i've been trying for a while.. People saying eat won't help at all, I think you should try eating at least 3 small meals a day, of healthy things like a small salad, a bowl of fruit and stuff. also this is one thing that I did that made me freak out thinking I might get like that someday, type in to google, what anorexia does to you. I hope I helped.  

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