
Hamas, Castro, Kim Jung Il, Chavez, Putin, and the socialists of Europe?

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With these kinds of supporters, does Obama really need any enemies?

Are these the types of "endorsements" that make you want to vote for a presidential candidate?




  1. There is an old saying: "A friend of my enemy is my enemy."   Kinda makes you think.

  2. Run! Obamas coming! Run! Anything would be better than republicans

  3. I think if Americans paid more attention to Obama's political alliance, he would have not gotten the candidacy.  But, they're all caught up in his empty speeches, posturing and voice modulation.

    Hitler pulled the same stunt - wowed the German people and followed through on his promises for "change".  If anyone is paying attention to the actual "change" Obama is promising, they are solidly against him!

  4. Not me but thanks for the reminder.  These liberals will have wet dreams all night.

  5. These are not endorsements that anyone running for office over here should be proud of.  This is scary, sad and reinforces the need to keep him out of office.  

  6. No, they think these are their friends,,,haha,, they mistakenly think they have no enemies..

  7. the only supporters that count Einstein are the ones who can vote!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Depends.  Ask me if I care.  The answer is no.

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