
Hamleys: stuck on another question?

by  |  earlier

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describe in no more than 30 words why you would love to work for hamleys?

thanks to all those who replied back to my previous questions, i had some great responses and will be choosing a best answer soon.

thanks again :-)




  1. I'm too young to work and I've never heard of Hamlets, I'm going to be a translater when I grow up.

  2. One would have thought you would need to spell to be a translator, HAMLEYS, the best toy shop in the world.

  3. I'm past working age now, or am I?

    The best reason for working for Hamleys (I imagine you refer to the toy shop in London) is {START COUNTING HERE] to see all the new toys, demonstrating and explaining how they work to questioning children and taking a pay cheque for such a pleasure! (25)

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