
Hammy vest leash?

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i went to a pet store to buy hammy some toys and i saw this vest thingy that had a leash on the back of it so you could take your rodent for a walk.however,the vest was obviously too big for my it ok if i make a replica for my hammy or will it end up with me injuring him somehow?




  1. I would't buy this for your hammy, but if you do NEVER take your hammy out side, think of all the pullution in the air that their little lung coul not handle. Also their could be harmful items on the ground for you hammy. If you want your hamster to  be able to explore outside of his cage, consider a hamster ball.

  2. OW YES

    I have two of them for my rabbits. Don't listen to what everyone else says. It is really good for them a good excersize and they say it is good for them to get used to their surroundings. I have two rabbits and i take them for a walk. They know when i take them

  3. Don't put anything on your hammy that you would even doubt for a second.

    Whoever invented those things is a total idiot. You don't need to take out your hammy for a walk in any size, shape, or form. You can't forget about the tix, bugs, and stix that could infest your hamsters hair. They might also chew on dead worms and other such things. It may seem cute but isn't the best way to give your hammy excersise. I have a little fence and mat that you put some of his/her toys in there and a water and food bowl. Luna (my hammy) has a blast in hers. I can do whatever I want while she runs around in her little thingy bobber. Also you can by her a ball and such, my hammy was a Ball addict when she was young now she just likes her wheel but on specail occasions enjoys her wheel.

    To sum this up: the harness is dangerous. No replicas OR store boughts.


  4. The vest leashes are only meant for ferrets, rabbits, and occasionally guinea pigs. Please don't put one on your hammy.

  5. Um you maybe saw one for ferrets but they do sell them for hamsters but if you get one they can easily escape by squriming and they are very flexible animals so you should try a rolly ball or critter cruiser but rolly balls are better!Also its hard to put them on them so it may escape : / or bite and is harder to put on dwarfs. If you get the rolly ball thing make sue you turn it the right way because both of mine escaped because i turned it the wrong way but i got both of them. :p Good luck with your hamster!!!

  6. Really bad idea. Hamsters are way to small to do this safely. You can get your hamster a nice exercise ball, in addition to the exercise wheel in their cage.

  7. I'm sorry but no, you cant hamsters are very fragile and yes it can hurt them. The leashes are for Ferrets and bunnies because their bones are less fragile. Look at this video I found it may look funny but it is dangerous and cruel and you can accidentally pull him and break his bones or get ran over, die or get stepped on And No don't because it will get hurt on it's neck and also if you really don't want it to get lost keep a very close eye on it while it is playing and stuff! If you want to try it try it but if any sign of uncomfertableness or squeaking take it of ameaditly! I wouldnt do it though. also yes rats use them but yet again hamsters are different. If you want it to get exersize use a ball or wheel!

  8. NEVER NEVER put any leashes on your hamsters. Hamsters' body structure is different from rabbits or mice. If you notice, their bodies are much more softer and cuddly and that is what helps them to squeeze through small gaps. If you tie the vest around the hammy, you will obviously have to tie it tightly to prevent the hammy from escaping and the hammy can suffocate to death. So please never use a vest for hamsters. Another thing - never take your hammy for a walk outside your home as tamed hamsters brought up in cages are not equipped to walk on different hard surfaces with their soft paws and your hammy will suffer from swollen paws and infection.

    If you want your hammy to walk around the house, put him in a hamster ball and let him have fun exercising around the home. Again, make sure the hamster ball is not near staircases, if the ball rolls down staircases, it can injure the hammy.

    Hope this helps!

  9. Don't ever put any type of leash, collar, harness... ect. on your hammie! They are way too small and fragile for that stuff. What you saw in the store was probably ment for ferrets. Hammies can get hurt if they are walking outside anyway. Try a hamster ball instead.
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