
Hamsta help........again.?

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Its the guy with the new hamster.........again. Now, my mom and me both agree my hamster is the devil and we might return it after 5 more days. Are there any hamster breeds that are somewhat social and dont mind being handled and can be trustworthy to there owner? You may think i am just impatient and a moron about training hamsters. But this hamster is the DEVIL! I love pets but i am not lying. Did I just the 1/10 chance of getting a mean,anti-social hamster? I know hamsters arent naturaly social hamsters. I would just like to know if i return it for another one if there is a particulary good breed that is for beginners and is social and doesnt really mind being held and stuff? If hamsters are just bad for me what other rodents could work in a hamster cage?( I would prefer it to be NO RATS)





  1. i had a hamster and it kept biting me when i tried to pick it up, but a few years later i got gerbils and they were so cute!!! they were fun and if u get a little rolly ball, they can play and run around in that... just... make sure you keep an eye on them. Rodents can be tricky.

  2. dont return it.. offer him some food and stroke him.. give him a chance to settle in..

    but if you really want another one get a big, fat syrian. they love being cuddled.

  3. Syrians(teddy bear fancy panda all the same thing) are the easiest to tame.  But sometimes even they are hard to deal with if they have never been handled.

  4. You either own a Dwarf or Teddy Bear hamster don't you?

    If you are going to "return" your hamster... I would recomend buying a Fancy Hamster. They are known for being a friendly playful breed. They are the larger breed of hamster growing to be about 4 1/2 in. (fm) from head to tail.

    I would stongly recommend a Fancy Hamster.

  5. sounds like you need a gerbil. a pair of the same s*x gerbils that is! gerbil are a lot less likely to bite. they may bite at first but once you hand train them (which is much easier to do than with hamsters) they wont bite ever again unless you make them mad! they are friendlier than hamsters and like living with a partner of the SAME s*x! not boy-girl but girl-girl and boy-boy. you still need to hand train them tho. thats the only way you have a nice hammie or gerbil. gerbils wont bite once you hand train them while hammies still will but not nearly as often! gerbils are more active and are awake during the day and not at night so you can play with them without waking them up which makes hamsters mad! gerbils are lonely without a sibling so get two! no matter what the pet store will say, a lonely gerbil is a depressed gerbil is a mean gerbil is a biting gerbil so get two! they cuddle and sleep together and wash eachother. get them at the same time from the same litter so they are already friends. if the gerbs are grooming eachother and snuggling together then they are forming bonds together! good luck and try to hand train your hamster first.  here is how from petco-

    After a day or two, it's time to introduce yourself. Wait until dusk. All hamster interactions should take place on the hamster's schedule. The early evening is when your pet is fully awake and ready to play. Always handle your hamster with freshly washed hands. You don't want your finger mistaken for a carrot or stalk of celery!

    To handle your hamster properly, slowly put your hand in the cage and let your hamster get to know your scent. Offer a tidbit of food and let it nibble. Stroke your pet's fur with the finger of your other hand, but avoid petting your hamster's head. In five days to a week, once your hamster has accepted your arrival, your scent and your treats, your pet should be feeling comfortable in its new home. Now it's time to pick up your friend. Your pet needs to sense that you're not tense or frightened. If you're stressed, your pal will get stressed, too. Still, proceed with caution. A startled, anxious or scared hamster will flee, nip or panic, which can lead to injuries for both of you.

    There are four recommended ways to lift your hamster, but most importantly, never lift your hamster by the scruff of the neck. Slide one hand under the body and place the other hand, over the back. Cup your hands and scoop. Then, encircle your hamster with one hand.

    Practice these maneuvers just above the ground or over a tabletop. Most premature hamster deaths, as well as fractures and internal injuries come from falls.

    good luck and do not pull gerbils tails! they come off! good luck!

  6. They might not take the hamster back.  Check and call them first.

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