
Hamster, guinea pig, or rabbit??

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I'm looking at getting a small pet, and i'm not sure if i should get a hamster, a guinea pig or a rabbit. i'm 14 and paying for everything. can you please give me the pros and cons of each one? thanks!




  1. hmm... useally petstore don't sell rabbits, and they cost a lot, but they are real cute. guinea pigs and hamsters cost less. but it really depends on you.

  2. I think they are all equally delicious!

  3. well if you want  a small pet i recommend a hamster a rabbit is alot of work and takes up lots of space and needs attention all the time a gunia pig also needs lots of attention a hamster is fine with a wheel water and food so you dont have to spend all day with it

  4. guinea pigs, but you should keep them in pairs unless you plan on giving it loads of attention, though guinea pigs are more work then a hammy they are like nicer, more intellegent, loving giant hamsters lol plus they're super cute :D a con is if you dont like noise they can be a little chatterbox, but i think thats cute and just another pro to them, though you may not agree with me lol. and rabbits are high maintnence and seem to be the least cuddliest of the 3, get a guinea pig and youll be happy you did :)

  5. i have had ever  one of them.


    Pros- they are small, cuddly and love 4ever

    cons-they dont live long, and are nocturnal

    guinea pig-

    pros- loveble



    pros- they hop around and will love anyone who pets them!

    cons- they're p**p is enormouse!

    but if i may suggest a ferret...

  6. hamster!  here the good thing about a hammy:

    1.they have easy to care for

    2. don't cost alot 2 have

    3. are like way cute!

    4. each hamster is so differant that ever after having a few they dont get boring  

    5. they sleep when ur at school so when u come there ready 2 play! u can train them 2 wake up when u get home by giving them a treat when u get home

    and the bad things about a hammy r:

    1. there only live for 3 years max

    2. some times the sleep to much and make a some noise at night

    3. they can bite

    good things about bunnies r

    1.sometimes can be pottie trained

    2.they don't run away

    3.r veary loveable

    and the bad thing;

    1. they can get boring

    2.can pee and ur bed or were ever they are sitting

    3. they get smelly!

  7. hamsters bite and sleep during the day.=con

    hamsters are low matienence=pro

    guinea pigs p**p alot, and are loud=con

    guinea pigs are lovable, adorable, and affectionate=pro

    rabbits shed and p**p quite a bit=con

    rabbits are intelligent, calm, love people, and can be trained to a litter box=pro

    in my opinion, I would get a rabbit. I have three, and i trained one of them to jump over bars and stand on platforms, and all she asks for a reward is love and being petted...and the occasional treat! lol

    all of my rabbits are trained to a litterbox.

    (the rabbit that is trained also is best friends ith a Shih Tzu)


  8. Rabbits need to be kept in groups because they are happiest with others and get sad alone so unless you are prepared to look after atleast 2 then you shudnt get a rabbit. Syrian hamsters are very solitary and you cant keep more than one in a cage cos they will fight and one will end up being killed. I dont know much about guinea pigs but i do have a hamster and he is beautiful and funny and easily kept. I would reccomend a hamster myself.

  9. Rabbit: curious, friendly, my rabbit just bit me so yeah they bite.....a lot

    guniea pigs: friendly, doesn't bite

    Hamster: socualable,  curuios, friendly,

    I like hamsters....

  10. Anyone of those are great, but i would have to say rabbit. Bec they  are fun, cute and its fun to watch them explore. There is much to learn and discover about and with your rabbit.


  12. Hamsters:



    Love to be held



    Easy to care for

    Less expensive

    Fun cages


    They are nocturnal BUT they are active and day too!!

    I have two panda bear hamsters!!!

  13. RABBITS! They are like mini dogs! And they are also very smart

  14. Personally, I would go with the rabbit. I only say this because I've have one in the past, & they make great pets. If you're paying for it by yourself, remember that they love their greens, (lettuce, parsley, carrots, spinach leaves, and even nuts & fruits!) and this can all add up very quickly. It also helps to buy a reliable brush/comb that works well with getting the loose fur out. (If a long-haired rabbit) Good luck!

  15. I'd say a guinea pig, for the fact hamsters don't live that long, rabbits p**p too much, and guinea pigs are a lot easier to take care of.

  16. get a guinea-pig why? heres my views

    Hamsters good - small, east to clean out, don't need a bit house

    Hamster bad - they dont last long, hamsters die VERY quickly

    Rabbits good - bigger than guinea-pig and hamster,

    Rabbits bad -mood changes - they bite, they kick, they eat your clothes, they scrach - all for no reasion at all

    also, they p**p p**p and p**p, they get very controling, they chase you around the garden, they need loads of exercise

    Best pet the guinea-pig

    best things about our piggy pals - they talk to you,they love cuddles, they easy to clean and care for, they dont make to much of a mess - they small and only need a few hours on the floor

    bad things -they just need guinea-pig with vit c in ats all

  17. Hamster-

    Pro: SMALL. sleeps most of the time. not much work. easy to clean .

    Con: Escape artists. i had one and i had to bolt, duct tape and everything the door shut on that cage and he still got out. Also they dont live too long.  

    Guinea pig

    Pro- larger but still small. they have more personality than hamsters

    Con: they STINK and they're noisy.


    Pro: depending on the breed and gender they can be either really sweet who just want to be held or they can play! you can even teach them tricks.

    Con: they p**p a lotttt. and it stinks. mini lops get ear gunk you have to clean out too. and some bite. hard. health problems are they're teeth may grow too long and need to be cut off. however this goes for all these animals listed.

    However i've owned all of the above. and i love my rabbits  i must say. i have a mini rex ( feels like velvet =) he's black and white) and he's calmer and more friendly and has a good personality. however my Mini lop she's snotty. she doesnt want to be touched. but if you get her out of her cage you can hold her and she lays still and she's really sweet and adorable. but she can be a b*tch. i say if you get a rabbit get a male for sure. and avoid netherland dwarfs.they're small and they think they're always being attacked and in return you can get bit often. they're the only rabbit breed i cannot stand.

  18. Lets see:

    I would chose a Guinea Pig as it would have a little of both and not any of the extremes of the other two.

    For easier maintenance a HAMSTER

    For a "friendlier" pet a Rabbit.

    Here a little more explanation of the PROS and CONS


    Rabbit- Live much longer and can be very lovable, good companions, can recognize you and interact with you

    Guinea Pigs- Medium life span, medium-low maintenance, they can be very sweet towards you, least smelly of the 3.

    Hamster-Shortest lifespan (if you prefer not to make an investment of many years of taking care of  one), little maintenance, either than clean cage, food/water, don't need your companionship.


    Rabbit -, you have to be sure you want a pet that can live inside the house, not out free range, for up to 8-12 years.

    Requires the greatest amount of care from your part , very HIGH maintenance specially as a bunny to keep them healthy (food, vet.. etc.).

    Guinea Pigs- not any I can think of

    Hamsters-they are not much company, a miracle  if they can recognize you at all. Noisy at night, They are escape artists.

    The THREE of them have to have their cages clean daily and hay/paper/water. etc.  changed frequently.  They can be very messy and SMELLY!!!!!.

  19. I suggest a hamster for getting a pet. They are easy to tame and fun to watch play in their cage. I have had a guinea pig and a rabbit but both are not really small and are messy. I have five hamsters and i can put them on my side and they watch tv. I enjoy them. However, I suggest getting a teddy bear hamster because they are nicer than a dwarf. Good Luck on whatever you decide.

  20. I have a guinea pig and a rabbit and they're both equally loving. Hamsters bite too much and aren't really that entertaining unless you stay up late at night to watch them. Guineas and rabbits are day time animals so you'd probably have more fun with them. If I had to chose one though, I'd say a guinea. Rabbits are a little more harder to take care of and require alot of attention. =)

  21. Rabbits...




    Entertaining to watch

    Can be litter-trained

    They're quiet, so it's good for an apt.


    Need a lot of attention/interaction with people and other rabbits

    They need high-quality foods (pellets are not sufficient enough)

    They love to chew, so make sure the room is rabbit-safe

    They need a large cage

    They like to be with their owners, but not often to be held

    Need vet-care(which is expensive)

    Should be spayed/neutered (BY A PRO VET!)

    Urine can have a strong odor, but spaying.neutering lightens it

    High Maintenance, which means more work for you!

    Guinea Pig...


    Very social

    Senses you by smell(i guess thats a pro?)

    Like to cuddle up next to you or on you

    Take em out and play, but not when they're busy


    Need a lot of attention

    Need a "pig-safe" area for them at all times




    Easy to House

    Low Maintenance

    Don't need too much attention


    They run VERY fast, so good luck if it escapes

    Short life spans

    Love to chew

    Bites can draw blood

    Out of these three, I suggest you get a Guinea Pig, because they can be a lot of fun. They need love and interaction with you, but I don't consider that as being "hard-work." It'll be quite nice to have someone around to cheer you up. I got all of this information from a few different websites. You can visit them and read the articles, as they will give you the information you need.

    Best of luck with your new little friend!

    P.S. What ever pet you choose to buy, try your hardest to find a young one, because they will be much easier to housetrain, litter-train, and a lot of other oppertunities are open!

  22. Guinea pigs!!!!!!

    I've had 50 guinea pigs, none have bitten me.

    I've had 1 rabbit, he bit me once.

    I've only ever looked after a hamster, it also bit me once.

    Smell-wise. I didn't find any smelly. If you clean their cage they shouldn't ever smell.

    The only bad thing about guinea pigs is that they can be more costly than a hamster (but definitely not more than a rabbit!).

    I've found guinea pigs to be most interact and friendly. Guinea pigs are my first choice, rabbits second, and hamsters last.

  23. ok so..

    lets start with the hampster: firstly, hamsters can be pretty painful if you get a nippy one, so you want to stay away from the russian hampster and go for the bigger ones, such as the honey bear/panda bear/ calico/etc.  Those get a lot bigger,but they're usually more playful and friendly.  If you want a pet that you're going to be able to take out and play with all of the time, i would prolly stay away from the hampsters.  They sleep a lot!  and usually dont like to be handled, but again, there are those that do.  As far as the cage and stuff for the hampster its pretty simple.  Obviously you need a cage, I recommend a simple 10-20 gallon fish tank with a mesh tank lid.  Depending on where you are, the tank runs about 40$ and the cage lid is about 20$.  you'll also need bedding and food ($15), chew snacks (2-3$), food bowl and water bottle (5-10$) and then the cost of the hampster itself which can range around $20.

    Guninea pig:They are very sweet!  I've only been bit once by them and it was because he was playing. :)  They do get pretty big however and you'll need a pretty large cage which can get pretty expensive.($100-$250)  They also really do need to have a special kind of bedding called carefresh bedding, because guinea pigs are PRONE to upper-respitory infections which can be caused by the dust that is in regular wood shavings.  They also need chew snacks of some kind that are the same ones for the hampsters, a lot of vitamin C (you can buy the drops at the store ($7-$10) or you can put a half an orange slice in their food bowl they love them!), food ($5-10) depending on the size, a water bottle and food bowl ($15-$20) they need a LARGE water bottle because they drink a lot., and some alfalfa grass, because they loveee it and it gives them some extra nutrients (a huge bag is usually around ($10-$15) and you could also give them either a salt block or a nutrient block, but its really up to you ($1-$3)  and the guinea pig itself is usually about $40.

    Rabbits: They are very sweet!  I've def never been bit by one.  Some do get pretty big, but mostly just stay about average size.  They sometimes shed though (the longer ones).  They also p**p EVERYWHERE.. :) but you can vacuum it up or sweep it up, because its just little balls. haha but they also need a pretty big cage, about the size of a guinea pigs, but they do sell some for rabbits that have the wire for them to stand on, and then the bucket thats underneath that, to catch all the droppings.  You really dont need bedding for them, but you could if you wanted to, and any bedding is fine.  you would need food ($10-$15), water bottle and food dish ($10-$15), alfalfa ($10-$15), chew snacks ($3-$5), and any kind of toys you want. (they sell little stuffed animals and brushes, they're cute)

    honestly, if i were to go with anything I would go with a rabbit.  :)

  24. None, their a pain in the butt

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