
Hamster HELP!?!??!?!?

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Well I know I am getting a hamster soon....

I know all the basics on owning one but still would like some advice and tips.

I really think im getting a Syrian but if I cant find one that likes other hamsters I guees I would get a dwarf....

Whats better Teddy Bear/Syrian or a dwarf.....?

I looked up hamsters and hamster care and everything and so please NO COPY AND PASTE!

Also I would like to know some games I can play with them.

And what cage should I get?





  1. ok i have 2 teddy bear hamsters they are really cute and fluffy .you should get a fun cage so they will always be happy  and you also might want a hamster ball for them to run around in and the bedding you should get ordor control cause any kind of roden stinks really bad

  2. I had a teddy bear hamster they are super cute, there arent really any games you can play with a hamster the only thing is buy them toys and you can watch them play with them. If you want a really playful small animal i think a ferret would be good for you they love to play i baby sat my friends ferret it loved to play.

  3. well i would say syrian hamsters are better.

    1.dwarf hamsters escapes more often than syrian.

    2. syrian hamsters are bigger and they don't run as fast as dwarf so u can actually play with them.

    3. dwarf hamsters bite more

    4.dwarf hamsters get sick more often/easily

    5.syrians plays with u more caz they don run away

    6.syrian are cheaper

    7.if syrian get hurt they are easier to take care of that dwarf

    8.if you take a dwarf and a syrian to the vet, healing syrian is cheaper.

    9. if u buy dwarf, u have to buy a few which will cost more(hamsters,food,toys,treats,bigger cage...)

    10.syrian has more different color choices

    11. syrian could be long or short haired

    12.Dwarfs, when not kept hand-tame, will become wild.Syrians, when tame, remain that way

    13. syrian are bigger so more cuddly

    14.syrian are easier to train tricks

    15.syrian arent THAT fast so u can cut their nair and teeth easier(dwarf wont let u)

    i trained my syrian to come,stand,maze,find food,walk on 2 feet and to play dead.(im not lying i trained them right when i got them and there are more trick but i never tried

    i say get the biggest cage u can affored because hamsters are really active at night and buy lots of toy

    hope this helped

  4. try small angels rescue for hamster options for adoption. You should get a large cage for any ham and that means about the length of your arm and widthe of your fingers to the elbow. (I know, big). Dwarves can have smaller ones, though. Games? You just need to play and handle them. syrians and teddies are easier to care for, in my opinion, maybe nicer too.

  5. If you are getting a syrian, you can never expect it to like other hamsters. Syrians are very solitary and territorial and any other hamster in the cage would result in vicious fighting and killing.

    Otherwise, syrians make great pets, they are easy to tame and handle and are ideal for first time hamster owners or for children.

    Dwarfs are equally cute but require more time to tame. Also they should be handled regularly otherwise they can be untamed. Due to their small size, children might find it difficult to play with them.

    My opinion would be to go in for a syrian hamster first time since you are new to hamsters. Later on when you get used to him, you can get one more or a couple of dwarfs (of course in different cage)

    Hamsters are not the playing type like other pets. They like to burrow, tunnel, exercise on wheels and hamster balls. But is is sheer fun watching them do all their antics. Once your hamster is tame, you can take them in your hands and interact with them but they are not proactive players like dogs or cats.

    A habitrail playground or crittertrail 1 or 2 is good for hamsters. Google out the names for more information and photos of these cages. Make sure the cage has lots of space, tunnels, a hamster water bottle, food tray and exercise wheel - these are the basic equipment you need for hamsters.

  6. J'aimerais t'aider mais il faut me causer en français.

  7. Rule number 1: ONE hamster per cage, one hamster, one and only one, not two, not three, just ONE. Otherwise it gets bloody violent... They'll fight to death, the exceptions are very very VERY rare. If you want two hamsters then buy two cages, and NEVER let them meet.

    If you want two pets together, then choose female guinea pigs, most lovely pets I've had, I totally love them ♡

    Here I have two Syrians (one male and one female), and three dwarf hamsters (one robo, two Russians, all males)

    Syrians are nice but they don't often like to be touched.

    Roborovski hamsters are very fast, you can't keep them on you, they'll go away, and the problem is, they run way faster than you do...

    Russians are very nice hamsters, and to my mind, the best ones. You can do whatever you want with them they're lovely. Even if one manages to run on the floor, they aren't that fast so you'll get the little boy (or girl) easily.

    I also had one Campbelli, he really liked to bite me, and I bled quite a few times. he didn't want me to put my hand inside of his cage.

    The cage shouldn't be too small, of course a Syrian will need a bigger cage than a dwarf hamster. Put a wheel in it. Here I also give my dwarf hamsters a toilet paper roll, they love playing with it, scratching and scratching. Poor roll ^-^

  8. i would say a teddy bear hamster they are super cute and adorable and i would say you could get any cage but i would petco their is this cage that is the S.A.M cages their is this one cage that is blue and green and has a little bit of pink...but if you like pink you could just get the one thats totally pink...and think you could teach them tricks but they are hard

  9. Get a  teddy bear hamster.  They like to picked up and cuddled with.  Get a large cage.  Good luck.

  10. i had a chinese hamster, there great fun, they run about and are easy to handle, they bite when you first get them, but where there tame they are great pets :)
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