
Hamster Having a room mate??

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My hamster, Fiesty, has always been my baby girl. I got her a year ago when she was a baby. I have one of those big cages I think it's crittertrail Z and I wanted to know if getting another girl hamster to put in with her would be a good idea. I was going to do this a few months back but I thought that what if the hamster I got turned out to be sick and both of my hamsters got it and died. My first hamster I got died 5 days after we got her because she had wet-tail. I was very upset because I didn't know what was wrong with her until I read a book about hamsters after I got Fiesty. Fiesty is no problem so having a second hamster shouldn't be. Its just that it might be sick, and I don't know how Fiesty will react to another hamster in her home. PLEASE HELP!!!! Thank-you!!! :D




  1. hamsters are suposed to live on their own, they will bassically fight to the death if out together...

    i think some breeds of dwarf hamsters can be okay in paires, but if that isnt the kind of hamster you have, then i highly advise that u do not get another hamster,

    i had a hamster once that had babies, we left the babies with their mother for a little too long and the mother began to eat her own babies. it was not a nice experience.

    so bassically, its probably best you do not get another hamster.

    oh and fiesty is a really cute name =]

  2. If you have a syrain hamster which is a normal sized hamster ( golden, teddy bear, black bear ect ) then dont get her a room mate.

    Syrain hamsters don't like living in pairs or groups they are much more happier individual. Syrain hamsters will also fight to death if they are in pairs or groups.

    If you have a dwarf hamster then they like living in groups or pairs but i would addvice not to get anouther because i doubt they will get along ( they need to be living together from a yooung age ).

    All together i would advice you not to get an aouther hamster because they wont get on.

    Good job you waited. I admire you care about your hamster that much but i am guessing she is very happy the now.

  3. No you shouldn't get her a roommate. Is Feisty a Syrian hamster? If so don't get her a roommate. Syrian Hamsters are solitary animals and can get really angry and fight and hurt the other hamster! Please don't get a roommate for Feisty!

  4. Is Fiesty a syrian hamster? If so, you cannot put another hamster in her cage, they will fight viciously.

    Dwarf hamsters will get along well with one or two other hamsters, particularly if they are roughly the same age and size. You will have much more success if you get hamsters that have been living in a group environment, and vicious fights have occurred when a new dwarf hamster is introduced to a cage that has a solitary, older hamster – he’s likely grown fond of living by himself and is not interested in having a roommate.

    After introducing multiple hamsters to a single cage you may notice a lot of squealing and squabbling, but don’t get too worried. This is just their way of establishing who’s boss, and it rarely escalates beyond some posturing. Keep an eye out to make sure it doesn’t get worse, as it is possible to have a dominant male who simply refuses to share his space with any other hamsters. This is, however, quite rare amongst dwarf hamsters.

    Considering Fiesty is a old hamster and grown used to her cage, it is difficult to say if she might or might not share her cage with a younger female. Give it a try but if it does not work out, you must be prepared with another cage for your new hamster.

    Take a look at this link, if this is the cage you are talking about, it is definitely not the correct size for two hamsters. You would need a bigger cage like Crittertrail 2 or 3.

  5. well for starters if u put 2 females in the same cage they will get protective. they may start 2 fight and the will both give off this nasty smell. so may not want 2 do that. if ur hamster gets wet tail raspberry leafs will help stop it. some times 2 female will be fine but if u do get 2 and they do fight make sure u have  anther cage

  6. no, its not really a good idea.  Hamsters are loners or something idk the word but they prefer to be alone.  It'd only be ok 2 have 2 hammies if they were dwarves and from the same litter, and even that is going against your odds.  If you got fiesty another hamster, chances are they'd fight to the death. If you want two of a rodnet, i suggest rats.  also degus or gerbils like living with a pal.

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