My hamster, Fiesty, has always been my baby girl. I got her a year ago when she was a baby. I have one of those big cages I think it's crittertrail Z and I wanted to know if getting another girl hamster to put in with her would be a good idea. I was going to do this a few months back but I thought that what if the hamster I got turned out to be sick and both of my hamsters got it and died. My first hamster I got died 5 days after we got her because she had wet-tail. I was very upset because I didn't know what was wrong with her until I read a book about hamsters after I got Fiesty. Fiesty is no problem so having a second hamster shouldn't be. Its just that it might be sick, and I don't know how Fiesty will react to another hamster in her home. PLEASE HELP!!!! Thank-you!!! :D