
Hamster Help Please!! :)

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So I'm getting three hamsters, One Panda, the other two Winter white russian dwarfs,Can you please give me some good ideas (names) of the cages like a bin cage aquarium wire etc please also gives pros and cons if you can I. Thanks!

13 minutes ago - 3 days left to answer.




  1. uhh, well for dwarfs try to get tunnel cages or cages with tunnels and get a bout 3 so that they can each go into eachothers cages and play around. and dwarfs are usually the only hamsters that fit in those. i had 3 dwarfs and i just bought two critter trails traveling cage and hooked them with tons of tunnels and they loved it and it is way cheaper at most for the 2 cages and tunnels it will cost $60

  2. I've had white russian dwarf hamsters before. It could be different for you, but mine fought alot so i ended up putting them in separate cages. the cage wasnt very big. it didnt have any of those hard-to-clean pipes all over the place. It was just a standard cage. I bought this fluffy stuff from the store also and the hamsters loved it. They made it into little beds it was so cute. It only costs around 7$ for the fluffy stuff at the store but if you don't want to spend that much the hamsters can use tissues aswell. I named my hamsters Chubbo and Budweiser, but I never ended up really using those names I just ended up calling them cutie :P. Mine didn't have a problem with they're simple cages and they both lived for about 6 years (keeping in mind i bought them when they were about 1 year old already). Take them out every once and a while and change their water every other day to keep it fresh :) have fun theyre adorable :D

  3. get a wire, and make sure it is big with no tubes. they tend to get stuck in tubes. aquariums look better but hamster easily over heat in aquariums because there is no air passing through. also with wire cages it is easier to clean.

    hear are some ideal cages;

    i know its guinea pig, but with 3 hamsters, that is how big it should be,  just, make sure the bars are not far enough apart for the dwarfs to get through.

    ( kinda small )


    what ever you do, make sure there is noooo wiring on the ground !!

    and makke sure the wires are close together and get the biggest cage you can to bennefit them.

  4. Please see this page on my site ( ) for 2807 name ideas for your hamsters-to-come!

    And check out this page on my site ( ) for all the different types of cages/aquariums listed with the pros/cons!

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