
Hamster Help!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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So I am a new hamster owner and i need a list of foods a hamster cannot eat.




  1. Check the below link, it gives a very exhaustive list of dos and donts for hamster foods -

    Remember variety is key to your hamster's good health. Commercial hamster food mixes are available in the market which are best for the hamster since they contain a mix of grains, nuts, seeds, dehydrated fruits and veggies in the correct proportions. Do invest in a good brand of commerical hamster feed. Readymade hamster treats are also available which can be given in small quantities once / twice a day or during hamster playtime. Vitamin / Mineral drops are also useful - these can be mixed with the water that hamster drinks.

  2. u should get books at the library or look up things about hamsters and what they can and can't eat because i don't know everything of what they can't eat

  3. Just feed your hamster store-bought hammy food and he/she will be fine. You can even buy hammy treats to give to it every once in a while...


  4. Do NOT, I repeat NOT give them avacodos. They can have sunflower seeds, but not to many. As they are fattening. Make sure they are raw and unsalted. Give them fresh fruits and vegetables. NO seeds. (apple,lemon, etc..). If you give them Apple give it to them in small pieces. Ask the Employees from the place that you bought the hamster from! Also make sure they get plenty of excercise! :) What kind of hamster is it?


    hope this helps!

  6. Just scroll down a little bit, and you'll find the lists.

  7. get hamster food .and lettuce once a week

  8. i just feed my hamster her food. besides that im not worried when i give her anything else. i've given her pasta, chocolate, soda...and more c**p and she is fine.
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