
Hamster Litter Training PROBLEM?

by  |  earlier

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ok, My hamster is litter trained but I have a few problems with it.

First thing is he digs out all of the litter and he just rolls around in his toilet.

I also have a problem with his "aim". I have this litter box thing:

and he backs his u no what way up above it and it completely misses the pan box thing almost every time! ITS BUGGING THE c**p OUT OF ME!! I have to clean the side of the cage and the table hes on every day! I don't think h**l go if he doesn't have a litter box pan thing at all!





  1. ok so first off i dont even know how you would even start to potty train a hamster so good job!

    you where saying the he completely misses every time right? well it might be as simple he CANT aim..what i mean is he cant hold this thing and aim he's just sorta shots in the dark you know.

    and about the rolling around in its poo...very common, all my hamsters did it!

    you know good job on training him and everything but maybe you should get rid of the lil toilet for a couple of days, and dont worrie his bladder will not burst, if he has to go he'll go!

    now if you do choose to keep the toilet in the cage and he continues to 'make a mess' im sure you dont have to clean it EVERY day. just when you have time once or twice a week. as long as you clean the cage once a week the mess should not be a problem.

    and i just want to mention on more thing, this might just be a phase for your hammie. i have noticed they tend to love doing or eating one thing for a few months and then it just fades away. so  dont be surprised if he stops on his own.

    well i hope i helped and good luck!


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