
Hamster Lovers Only, We have George, he is seven months old, we dont want any babies? but?

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would he enjoy a bit of company? Please only hamster experts reply.... Is he used to being on his own coming out every other day if not daily, ... In his own mind is he bored and would he benefit from company... Humans ned people, my dogs need people,,, Does our Hamster benefit from company or is he quite happy with a toddle in his ball and a new chew....He is home from uni for he holidays and I havent been able to put him in the Lounge because my parents have 2 cocker spaniels, and even too afraid to let the dogs see him in his ball. the house has never had so much air freshener.. Please only hamster behaviouralist or experts reply..... He would have to be with a new boy!




  1. Hamsters are actually a pretty solitary animal, so he's probably pretty content by himself. Personally, I wouldn't add another one. You'll risk fights, even with a girl but more so with a boy. It'd be awful if you bought him a friend trying to help him and one them ended up maimed or dead!

    Good luck!

  2. Hi!

    If he is a syrian then no, he wouldn't benifit company. Syrian hamsters like being on their own in their own little space.

    If he is dwarf then yes they love being together, get him a male then you won't have any compliations...

    Basicily if he is a Dwarf yes get him anew male companion, but make sure they get along!

    If he is syrian, he should be quite happy living on his own but other things you could do is make him some toys, get him a massive cage, or just generally be around him! =]

  3. hi there i dont think boys get on well!!! u would have to get him a girl but if the girl is over a year old she will not breed!!! but it is hard getting a girl at that age!! u could try pets at home they have some u could adopt!!!!

  4. if its a syrian the u cant have to this is a syrian

    otherwise they fight but dwarfs can be in 2s hope this helps

  5. dont get two hamsters

    they are territorial and one of them will end up dead.

    theyll kill each other.

    this is for syrians AND dwarf hamsters.

    especially if one has been there longer than the other.

  6. I think at this age he is too old to be introduced to a new hamster. As long as you keep him amused with new toys every once in a while, he should be fine. And letting him out is a bad idea. You can let him run in the plugged bathtub if you like.

  7. well don't get another male cause the males are supposed to territorial. but it depends on what kind of hamster u have. but u can go to google and lookup-what hamsters are territorial?

    but some male hamsters can be put together..

  8. Hamsters are solitary by nature.

    If he is a Syrian, which would be called teddy bear, black bear, panda, golden, etc, he would try and kill another hamster. It is just their nature.

    If he is a dwarf hamster you can try and use the split cage method recommended for gerbils to introduce another male around his age. Be sure to have cleaned the cage thoroughly before putting them in together for the final time, and don't keep any toys in there that George will feel territorial over.

    Keep in mind though that they may just not get along and you will need to house the two separately, permanently.

    My advice is to leave him on his own.

    As long as he has plenty of toys, treats, and time out with you he will be just fine.

  9. It depends on the breed, if it's syrian it's fine with just humans if chineese, rusian etc then you can have 2 hamsters in one cage, they prefer to be with each other, preflably a brother or sister someone they already know before you buy then.

    Good Luck :)

  10. syrian hamsters (as opposed to russian dwarfs) must be kept alone or they will fight and kill each other.  when they are babies brothers and sisters in litters must be separated at about 5 weeks old or they can get too boisterous!!

    he should sleep during the day, and get up in the evenings.

    i would keep an eye on the dogs with him, but my dog doesnmt really take much notice of my hammy, he just sniffs her, not interested in harming her.

    he should be very happy wityh his ball, and a whell in his cage to keep himself amused, try putting in the cage a toilet roll tube to hide in and nibble!!

    hope this helps

  11. Though only the male Syrian is territorial; you boy it past the start of sexual maturity and he will more then likely be very agressive to another male put in his cage.

    I had a Russian Dwarf and he lived alone; he was happy for 3 years. Just give him at least 30min of attention every day.

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