
Hamster Treats?

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I want to give my hamster a special treat other than fruits & veggies, seeds...the usual stuff.

Is it ok to give them unsalted, unflavoured popcorn?

What about dry corn flakes?




  1. all of the above is OK, you can also try a little meat and cheese, hamsters like snacks like that. Maybe a little milk on your finger (If it won't bite) and have it l**k it off. Most dry things and salt doesn't really matter as long as it has water and neither does butter but its better for the hamsters health without all the extras.

  2. im not sure i give my hamster she is a dwarft hamster i give her trreats from the store DO NOT FEED IT LETECE IT IS POISON SO DONT FEED IT TO HIM of her

  3. I have given my hamsters corn flakes and they liked them. Popcorn shouldn't be a problem, but I would tear the white, fluffy part off and only give him/her that part. (As opposed to the kernel part.)

    I've also given my hamsters salted hard pretzels, bread, saltine crackers, yogurt, milk, cheese, scrambled/hard boiled egg... they can (almost) eat anything. Some hamsters like certain food items better than others. I would only give very small amounts, however, because too much of anything is bad, and keep your hamster away from candy and chocolate.

  4. Some pet stores have these treats called yogurt drops. they seem to really enjoy them but be sure to only give them the recommended amount.

  5. Yes both of those are fine. also try cheerios. make sure the are sugarless and have nothing on them. just dont give them almonds. you can find huge list of hamster treats on the internet.

  6. I notice that my hammies love homemade treats such as:

    Take a toilet tissue roll that's empty and cover in peanut butter, and roll the tissue roll in it's seeds and they will absolutely love it. Mine eat the seeds and peanut butter and then chew the roll.

    They like apples and raisins. When I make rice for supper, I usually save out enough for them to have some. They like dry oatmeal. Another treat they seem to like is Nilla Wafers, they can eat those in moderation.

    They can have unsweetened corn flakes, mine do tricks to get those. Ooh. I just had a brilliant idea! Use the toilet tissue roll and roll in peanut butter and then roll it in crushed corn flakes. That sounds good even to me. LOL

    Dog Biscuits are good too, and they keep their teeth worn down too.

    They like veggies as well such as broccoli, carrots and peas. I have a female hamster that will do all kinds of tricks to get a sweet pea. Fresh corn on the cob they love too.

    They will eat unbuttered, plain popcorn.  

    Good luck and have fun with it.

  7. Yes those would be fine. Make sure there is absolutely no seasoning. Dry things would be best. Its always good to give your hamster something new once in a while. Kudos!

  8. Yes, you can give them popcorn and cornflakes. As you have mentioned, they should be unsalted and unflavoured. I buy popcorn seeds and pop one or two in a glass dish without salt or flavour in the microwave for giving hamsters as treats.

    Some more hamster treats that are popular among my hamsters are -

    Unsalted cheese

    Hard boiled eggs

    Bran flakes (again only plain ones)

    Puffed rice (plain) or rice krispies

    Cooked pasta


    You can also check out the following site for more treat ideas -
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