
Hamster Type And Cage???

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I currently have 4 hamsters...i used to have 6 but 2 died. I really want another hamster but i duno wich type to get!? I have all syrians and i would like a change.

Also if i got dwarfs..what type of cage is good for them. Is the OvO good? (have the ovo)

My OvO has the expansion kit and the maze..




  1. Well, depends. Do you want more than one hamster in the cage? If so, get a dwarf, they are great. In my opinion, better than Syrains.

    The Ovo is a great cage for dwarfs. You could also do a bin cage, if you have the tools and the money to do it.

  2. BEST hamster breed i EVER owned was a black bear hamster. i worked at a petstore and these guys are seriously the friendliest kind around. much sweeter than the syrians..they can be hard to find but ive seen them around.  

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