I do not know what kind of hamster mine is. His old family didn't want him anymore so I adopted him at Petco and they didnt have much info. He is very healthy, has clear eyes, and a Silky Coat.He might still be a baby becuse he walks both like an adult and baby. He is a bit clumsy and if you look closely still has a bit of his baby webbed feet. So I dont Know if he is a syrian or not, I don't think he is one though.
Here are his description:
Eye Color: Blackish red mostly red
ears: White
Color: Brownish With slight gray
Stripe: Thick at top and skinnier a t the end with brown color
nose:Rounded with a little point
Tail: Puffy and stubby
Personaly i think he is a Cambell or a whinter white but to me mostly cambell. For anyone who helps thanks!