
Hamster acting strange!

by  |  earlier

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ive given my hamster tonnes of things to climb on but he still insists on just climbing on top of his water bottle and jumping off into his food bowl.

im worried that one day he will hurt himself..anyone got any ideas on what could distract him?




  1. move the water bottle  

  2. hold it for a long time petting it

  3. Put the water bottle high enough so that he can't climb on it.  

  4. Take him out more often!Play with him,let him get used to you!I bet he would have a LOOOOT better time!

  5. Don't worry, he won't hurt himself!  Hamsters are great climbers and I have seen mine fall and jump from pretty good heights, but they are very sturdy and built for that type of behaviour.

    Honestly, if that's what he wants to do and it is keeping him happy, don't worry!

    *veterinary nurse and personal experience*

  6. your hamster will not get hurt my hamster does stuff like that all the time it knows what its doing don't worry it will be fine

  7. Your hamster must be a very active one and it must be looking so cute when he gets up on the bottle and jumps into the food dish :))

    But considering the danger factor involved, remove his water bottle for a week and during this time, put a water dish ( a heavy dish so that he does not topple the dish and wet his bedding) for his water requirements.He will forget these antics once the water bottle is removed temporarily. This should help him also from not doing it again when you fix the water bottle back after a week. Also when refixing, put your water bottle in a different area of the cage so that it is away from the food dish.

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