
Hamster and gerbil cages? are these good ones?

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is this cage okay for 2 gerbils to be in? here's the link, also out of the links below wich cage is best for 2 gerbils, wich one should i use for my hamster?:

first the one for the gerbils:

then this one for the hamster:




  1. ya there r good cages

  2. No to both,their feet will slip through the rungs when walking.

  3. Hamster cage is a little small. Try to find something that gives the hamster more room to move around. They sleep a lot, but they should have space.

    As for the gerbil cage, it's fine size-wise, but you have to realize that gerbils are a digging/burrowing species, and do best with cages that have high ''walls'' or else you'll have bedding all over the floor. A great set-up I've seen, was a 10g tank with a tank topper ( )

    the tank mostly filled with bedding, so they can go down there and dig to their heart's desire.

  4. there are both great cages for beginner cages.

  5. fine

  6. I don't know mch about gerbils, but it looks to tall. Cages for rodents should have more area than height because the animal does not need the height.

    I've owned many hamsters. Same thing I said with the gerbil, area not height. Also get a door on the top of the cage to prevent easy escapes. Ramps aren't a nessecity.

  7. definetley use the first one for your gerbils. but for the hamster cage, i've heard they chew all the plastic stuff inside to bits and you cant replace them. get your hamster the same cage as the one for your gerbils.

  8. The first one looks good for the gerbils, but I'm not sure about the second. Those My First Home cages are awfully small. If you can, I'd consider getting something a bit bigger. Perhaps the 2 story version?

  9. I got that one the first time I got my hamster it was fine for him but a gerbil is a little small.That's only for Guinea pigs and hamster get this one.

  10. those are fine as can be :)

  11. they look fine to me, but I always want mine to have alot more room to run around. add some tunnels for them to run in on the out side of the cage.

    like this one


  12. seems good!

  13. Actually, I had the top link you provided for your gerbils.  Only, I used that cage for my hamsters!!  My gerbils didn't really like it.  They weren't really all up for climbing and all that jazz.  They really preferred the one level one.

    So I think the one you have provided for the hamster would suit a gerbil better than the top one.  I don't think it'd be very good though..  The gerbils would pretty much chew up anything plastic, hehe..  And, to some degree, a hamster will as well.  So always make sure you have a back up plan or cage.  

    I would honestly recommend a glass aquarium for the gerbils as well as a wheel.  They seem to love wheels more than anything else you can put in their cage.  Almost as much as toilet paper tubes, paper towel tubes, cereal boxes, and tissue boxes (with the plastic insert removed)!!  

    I wish you the best of luck.  I know the first cage is a nice one, but only for one hamster.  It's not really big enough for two animals..  The second one looks a little small for anything other than a dwarf hamster or use as a pet carrier.

    Hope I helped you!!

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