
Hamster :) and how big?

by  |  earlier

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ok well today we got to robo hamsters and we got them two cages... they are the ones you can stack and link together..

well i know a cage can be to small but do you think they would hate having a cage to big? theres the big food area, a place above it with a wheel and one above that with a bed and from the bottom bit is a tube linking it to a cage where theres a little set of chewing things and then linking that to where the sand is.. it said they like to rub there fur on sand to help with cleaning so i thought it would be good to have a little sand area, oh and another wheel...

i just dont want them to get bored or anything.. what do you think?

if you was a hamster would you love it? =) thanks..




  1. No i think you should buy the bigger cage with more holes hamsters love lots of room and if i was a hamster i would like it so yea get the bigger one  good luck

  2. My hamster, a syrian drawf, was really small his entire life. He had a huge and very tunnel filled cage, and he was always fine.

  3. Well I think that is too much and the hamster is probably scared because of how big the cages are.

  4. Big cages are good for hamsters. I am sure your robos would love their cages. But they have come to your home only today and would still be a bit dazed. Hamsters take some time to get used to their surroundings and people around them and they would bite if you handle them until they get used to you since they are scared. So give them some time to get used to the cage (say about a week). You might not see your hamsters very active for a week during the adjustment phase but I am sure they would start discovering the new cage later if not sooner.

    Variety is the key to prevent your hamsters getting bored. Run them in their hamster balls for 20 minutes every evening, try to make a hamster proof area where you can play with them every day, give them simple toys like empty toilet roll tubes, toothpaste cartons with flaps removed so that they enjoy their tunneling and burrowing activity. Another tip is to change the position of things in the cage every week when you clean out the cage so that the hamsters do not get used to one type of cage positions and get bored.

    As regards the extra set you want to attach to the cage, wait for a month for them to get used to the current set up and then surprise them with the extra set so that it keeps giving things for them to explore to fulfil their curious minds.

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