
Hamster chewing on his cage.?

by Guest65270  |  earlier

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I know this is a regular. I've read all the answers. But regardless little Riley is Determined to still chomp away on the metal bars. I have placed: Wood chew toys, toilet rolls, a mineral block, plenty of food and the he still chomps away on the bars and nothign else. The little acrobat will climb high to do it no matter what obsitcles i put in his way. The only other item he will munch away on is the mineral block.

I've even tried tying afew wooden blocks around his fav chew areas and along the top of the cage (so he gets the satisfation of climbing and chewing) but he ends up pushing them aside and chopping on the bars. I found a Vaseline answer and will give that ago(unless someone says its poisonus, i only just got little riley and i would like to keep him for awhile!).

But any other suggestions as i can't afford to buy a new cage (they are suprisingly pricey!).

Thank you in advance.





  1. Unfortunately, they chew on EVERYTHING.  They have to constantly chew because their teeth always grow.

    Vasoline will not hurt your little guy, so long as its in small amounts. Too much can bloat your hammy and kill him.

    You might get a 10 gallon fish tank and put him in that.  He can't really chew on it too easily.

  2. well it is completely normal for a hamster to chew on its cage. i ahd six hamsters and they all chewed on their cage. its good your giving him hamster chewtoys-maybe he likes the taste of metal-maybe he's teething. jsut let him chew on his cage. but if he starts to break the cage, just hold him alot.  maybe try and build him a cage, if thats possible.

  3. they chew everything and thts normal... get ur hamster manny chew toys for hamsters they r basically like treats and they relieve the pain from the growing teeth and these treats can be found at walmart, petco and patesmart:

    basically the toys tht say chewable and kabobs r the ones ur lookin for

  4. That happens all the time... don't worry... you might want to get his teeth checked though because it is not safe

  5. I have 2 gerbils that always climb the bars and chew them.  If tried to break the habit by blowing on them when they do it, but that won't work.  Climbing the bars isn't a bad thing, and so far chewing on the bars doesn't seem to affect them.

    All I can say is poke his belly or blow on him when he is doing it, or leave him be.  This behavior doesn't seem to cause anything bad to my gerbils, and hopefully not your hamster either.

  6. you could try putting vinegar on the bars but eventually he will probably get used to it and do it again.  I would suggest either getting him an aquarium or build him a bin cage both or pretty cheap and their would be no bars to chew.

  7. just let it hamsters would chew on heir cage but would never be able to chew hamster cages are made especailly for them so just dont worry about it and i know its annoying at night

  8. You could try bitter apple. Its completly safe for animals but tastes really bad. You could put it on the parts where he is chewing to maybe deter him. But mine chews on the bars of the cage all the time. My rats anyway. The bitter apple can be found at most petstores.

  9. Besides a bigger cage....

    Place some hard dog treats inside of your hamsters cage so that he has something productive to bite on. Dog treats are full of vitamins and minerals your hamster needs, are silent when chewed and will help to relieve your hamsters instinctive need to chew.

    Purchase a hamster harness and leash and take your hamster for walks around the house or yard. These tiny hamster accessories are available in most pet stores, and will help to give your hamster extra time out of the cage without the worry of a lost hamster loose in your house.

    Play with your hamster more often. Set up hamster-safe areas in your home, making borders with books, cardboard boxes or other common household items. Hold and caress your hamster to help bond and enjoy your tiny pet.

  10. you can try ignoring the behavior cuz the animal won't stop.  add small bits of untreated wood, crunchy veggies, and small cardboard boxes into its habitat as distractions.

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