
Hamster coat problem?

by  |  earlier

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my hamster seems fine but his coat is a little unkept. it looks a little greasy. is he sick? he seems fine other wise. he eats as usual and runs on his wheel. hes really curious when we play too.




  1. Didn't you lose him recently?  I'm glad you found him.  ^^

    Anyways, as for his coat, it's probably from being away from his home.  Being under things, in hot places, etc will ruin a coat quite a bit.  A hamster's bedding often times removes a little bit of the oils from their coat when they lay down which helps them to stay soft.

    If you want, you can probably take a damp tissue or something and wipe down his coat, but whatever you do DO NOT put him in water.  Even if it is shallow, hamsters will stick their heads in the water and try breathing.  Don't ask me why, but it happens all the time.  Best not to risk it.

    Don't try to get it all at once.  Just get it a little damp and clean it a little.  Your hamster will do his part as well.  Though you can repeat it as many times as you feel necessary, don't try too hard or else you'll stress your hammy out.  Also, try to dry him with a cotton cloth.  Just fluff up his hair.  They're tiny and even though it's hot outside, they can still chill.  ;)

  2. It could be his diet or housing. He could be lacking an important nutrient in his diet so make sure you are feeding him a quality diet (not too much seeds) and add some fresh fruits and veggies. Or if he is in an closed cage like a glass tank the ammonia from the urine can make the skin irritated. If its an open cage you want to make sure it's kept clean. Or he could be getting older and not able to clean himself as easily as before.

  3. my dwarf hamsters coat are always like this to i guess they just have it like that if your hamster is a boy maybe that's why my hamsters are boys and when i had girls their coat was always good looking!

    hope this could help

  4. Stress can cause a hamster fur to look a bit unkempt and greasy. Considering that he has just had a bout of adventures of getting lost, I am sure he must be highly excited with the whole episode of getting lost and discovering the new smells and sounds away from his normal habitat. Give him some time and he should become alright soon. As long as he is eating and pooping fine and looks active otherwise, he should be completely alright.

    I would advise you not to use any water or damp tissues to clean him now since he is already in a state of disorientation after his adventures and his immunity can be a bit low at this time and you do not want to risk him catching a cold at this time. Let him enjoy his rolls in the chinchilla sand and it should remove the greasy feeling from his fur.

    Once he gets settled in after a few days, he would start his grooming actively again and then he should be his same old self.

    As for the mineral licks/salt wheels, they are actually not beneficial at all for the hamster. Hamsters in the wild do not require salt or minerals for their body and a natural diet should suffice. So don't worry if he does not take to his salt wheels. It is good in a way, it means he is completely healthy and does not require it. Remember, most of these fancy products in the market are meant more to attract pet owners without actually doing any good to the hamsters.

  5. Take to vet.

  6. He could be sick.  Make sure he is eating, drinking, exercising and sleeping.  Watch him very closely for anymore changes.

    If you notice that his usual behavior has taken a change for the worse (not eating or drinking enough, not exercising, lethargic) you need to take action.  

    His coat is greasy because he is not grooming ( I would assume ).  Watch him closely.
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