
Hamster drinking habits?

by Guest62900  |  earlier

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I'm feeding my hamster protein shake so he turns into a beefcake. Is this a problem?




  1. your serious? if you are your an idiot. hamsters need water, if he/she keeps drinking protien shakes it will get very sick. it sment for humans not for wee little hamsters >:I

  2. yeah that's a problem, it's almost abuse! your hamster needs water, not a protein shake. if you're giving him the right food it should have all the protein he needs.

    it's completely idiotic to try and make your hamster strong. they're not meant to be meatheads or something.

  3. no, please dont

  4. What about...... if you took him off his shakes he/she may become frigid and under prepared for life on the "run". It may also develop symptoms requiring medical help if you continued with this extreme kind of diet. Think of the consequences of your actions! I think you are caught in a perfect example of a catch 22 period in your flobering dealings with your "beloved" pet!!!!

  5. omg lmao that is the most retarded thing I everheard of im rolling on the floor laughing ur gona kill that thing lmao gve it some water lmao lmao

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