
Hamster feeding question?

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Hey everyone! I recently got a new black bear hamser. His name is theodore and he is the cutest thing besides my babysister. I read in a book that they like a little lean ground beef sometimes. How much and is it raw or cooked. any other good info or websights on hamsters is AWSOME!!

Thanks loads!




  1. There is a lot of speculation on feeding hamsters meat. Some scientific sources say that feeding meat might turn hamsters cannibalistic towards other hamsters (especially mothers who might eat their offsprings after giving birth) but there are others who say that feeding meat is fine.

    The reason this is under speculation is becoz in the natural environment, hamsters do not have access to meat. They are mostly eaters of grains, seeds, worms and insects.

    I personally prefer not to give my hamsters any kinds of meat (since they live in a community in the same cage but if you have a syrian hamster who is solitary, I think there is no such risk and hence you can feed him beef) but yes, I do give them bits of hard boiled eggs twice a week and occassionally give them mealworms as treats.

    For more information what you can and cannot feed your hamster, visit this site for a list of foods -

    The above site says you can feed your hamsters cooked ground beef rinsed well in hot water to remove any grease.

  2. Wed. I got my two panda bear hamsters!!!!!!!!!! They rock.... Buy these mixes..... Buy treats. Im not sure on wether to cook the beef but I would. Go to, google.,! Hope this helps

  3. i don't know about the beef, but i know that my hamster used to love the occasional mealworm.

  4. No it is not wise to feed hamsters red meat. Sodium nitrite is an additive that becomes important in the processing of red meat, and this is the chemical that is used to process the meat, an additive that gives it that dark red colour. Sodium nitrite can react with Amines: Amines are produced by cooking certain meats at high temperatures. This creates chemicals that are not present in uncooked meats, and produces powerful carcinogenic (cancer causing agents) one reason red meat should never be fed to a hamster. While this chemical will prevent the growth of bacteria, it can be toxic for mammals.

  5. Yes, this is good to do, but no more then once a week.  Give about one teaspoon, and remove it after about two hours.  Good Luck!

  6. Hamster Treats

    Banana Hamster Treat

    1/4 of a banana

    1 teaspoon honey

    1 tablespoon raisins

    small squirt lemon juice

    Mash up the banana and add a small squirt of lemon juice so the banana willstay fresh. Add the honey and raisins, then stir all together. Serve this in asmall bowl separate from hamster food mix.

    Hamster Dream Dinner

    1/2 cup peanut butter (smooth or crunchy)

    1/4 cup of oats

    1/4 cup of sunflower seeds

    Mix ingredients together and serve to your pet hamster.

    Hamster Bisciuts

    1/4 a teaspoon of peanut butter

    1 box plain Cheerios cereal

    variety of vegtables such as carrots, celery, bok choy

    small dog biscuit or stale or fresh bread

    bird seeds and sunflower seeds

    small amount of cheese

    Spread peanut butter on dog biscuit, stale or fresh bread. Stick cereal on top and press in some of you hamster's favorite small foods such as bird seeds or sunflower seeds. Next, press in vegetables around the Cheerios. Press cheese around the vegetables to cover. Have fun hiding the treat where your hamster has to climb to get it.

  7. i never feed my hamsters meat i feed my rats meat but not my hamsters. i would just by some camercial food and feed it veggies.  dont feed it ice berg lettuce or rubarb

  8. Any meat fed to a hamster should be cooked and plain. You can also feed him chicken and turkey. It should only be given as a treat, though, not as a regular part of their diet.

    You can give him a small amount of fresh fruits and veggies each day in addition to his main food, which could be either a seed mix or a lab block. I recommend lab blocks as a staple with seeds only as a treat, since the lab blocks are a more complete diet.

    Check out and for some good info.

  9. I would stay away from feeing it ground beef.  Just stick to the commercial food, and some yougourt drops, and other treats!

  10. Good websites coming right up:

  11. raw, about the size of a marble is good, about once a week.  Hard boiled eggs are a fav too. No salt though. Just slice a piece off and watch it go to town!!

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