
Hamster food have small bugs in it, is it of any threat?!!?

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I'm worried they'll affect my hamsters, the bugs are kinda like teeny weeny beetles with 2 pointy thing in front, and when I tried to kill them I have to squash them to kill it which have the *crushed* sound. Seems scary, I don't know what to do now. Throw the food and buy a new one? Or it's harmless?




  1. Hamsters can only eat moths, mealworms and crickets, but they can't have too much. It should only be fed as a treat. Hope I helped. I had a hamster once and tried to get a lot of research before I got it.

  2. Well, hamsters eat bugs if you give them some so the bugs themselves won't hurt them. But the bugs mean there is something wrong with the food, like being very old or that it got damp, or both. So if it is only a little bit of food you might as well throw it away and buy new food. If you have a lot of it then you could put it in the microwave and nuke it until the bugs are dead, then put it in a paper bag and put it in the freezer to cool down quickly.  

  3. Throw it away! I wouldn't want to feed bug-infested food to mine. If it s a relatively new bag, maybe you should complain to the manufacturer?  

  4. ya, ive found moths and litle moth-larvae things and some beetles in mine too. those might be weevils in there, those were the kind that i found in mine. it is ok to give your hamster the food. In the wild, a hamsters main meal would be small insects. all rodents can eat beetles: moles, mice, lemmings, squirrels, hamsters, and even rabbits eat them. Actually, your supposed to give your hamster some insects once in a while for a little boost in protein to keep them healthy. You can give them grubs, worms, small beetles, carterpillars,etc. they cant just eat grain all the time! You should give them some as a little treat every month or so, or even sooner than that. It will keep you pet healthy, they need a balance nutrition, just like us. They will live much longer if you do this.;...


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