
Hamster got left eye problem help please?

by  |  earlier

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His left eye for about 6 days has almost like stuck together with this, at first his eye looked like it was falling out, but now just stuck together, i searched it up and for the past 3 days cleaned it with cotton wool. And 2 days ago i took him to the vets they think its conjunititous. So we had antibiotic cream treatment after a day looked better the hair around the eye looks like coming back, but inside the eye is red and cannot see the eye. The vet did tell me take him back but its really expensive, can i just carry on with the treatment the vet gave me and see how he goes? Or is there something more i can do without taking him to the vets? Aswell is his eye still there? Will it come back? Please help

Thank you.




  1. Well I'm sorry to have to tell you this but i RIGHT now have healing hamster named Hammy. His bro pocked his eye and it got all read and swollen the vet said that I had 2 options use cream or operate. I chose operate. The eye was actually out of the socket just holding on buy the nerves! OUCH!! the vet put the eye back in and sewed the eyelids shut so the eye could heal. The stitches dissolve and my hamsters just this morning came out his eye looks a lot better but we are taking him to the vet tomorrow just for a check up. THIS IS REAL!! i just searched the Q just to see if i could help someone. Any way if you do get it operated on give the hamster some yogurt. really the yogurt has bacterias that boost the ones in the hamsters digestive track(they might not be working right because of the stress). And if their is a little bit of crust put some Vaseline on it. if you have any Q's if you operate just email me. I can tell you what happened to Hammy eye. Hope this helped! :) :)

    P.S. hamsters can only see 2 inches in front of them so that might be what happened to your hamster.

  2. Keep using the cream the vet gave you.  If the eye did fall out (Which is unlikely but possible... i had a Hamster this happened to) he will be fine once the infection has cleared. Is he still eating and drinking? Is he still active? If so  dont worry. hamsters are very short sighted anyway and can live full and happy lives with only one eye... or even no eyes. Enjoy your pet.

  3. of course it is just crusty eye mine had that

  4. Your responsibility as a pet owner means that if its not getting better you need to go back to the vet. Phone first and ask. Money's not this issue - the quality of life of you pet is the issue. Shake it up!

  5. Keep using the cream, but I'd also recommend bathing it each day with salt water.  Boil some water (to kill any germs that come out of the tap), let it cool down, pour about a cup full and add about half a teaspoon of salt and stir it up, then apply with cotton wool.

    Its probably best to do this during the day when hammie is sleepy so that he isn't too wriggly otherwise he could end up soaked!  He may not appreciate being woken up but it will make the job easier.

    Good luck - I hope he's better soon.

  6. OH! My friend had the same problem with his rabbits. They die sadly after things like that happen. I think it's probably the crust which is stuck around the eyelids of the hamsters. It is probably an infection. I'm sorry I couldn't be much more of help. Just slowly wash the eye with water somehow, while gently trying to open it.

  7. only a guess because I've never seen it myself but its possible it might be glaucoma and/or prolapse.

    this happens mostly in dwarf hamsters and if treated properly - as scary looking and sounding as it is - isn't necessarily life threatening.  I've heard several stories of hamsters that lived through it and had long lives afterward.

    I'm not a big vet fan with my hamsters since what they recommend often does little good.  This is one of those things you do have to bring a hamster to the vet for though.  While they can recover or be treated at home for a great deal, you need specific medication for this one.  There are pictures on both of the pages so that should help you figure out if this is your hams problem.  Good luck and God bless.

  8. Normally conjunctivitis doesn’t cause the eye to protrude; a protruding eye usually indicates glaucoma, or an infection.

    Viral conjunctivitis usually follows an upper respiratory infection such as a cold. There is no effective treatment for viral conjunctivitis, other than keeping the eye clean, and free of discharge. This can be done by bathing the eye periodically in a saline solution. Most forms of conjunctivitis will over the course of 7 days or so gradually get better.

    With bacterial conjunctivitis this is usually present with a watery or scant mucus discharge from the eye, and the occasional sticking shut of the eyelids. Bacterial eye infections are a common complication of a cold. They usually respond well to home treatment with antibiotic eye drops, usually clearing within 4 to 5 days. So if the eye is still closed, sounds like he may have lost it due to an infection. You will know when a hamster is in pain, he will refuse to eat and drink. So if he is eating drinking and running around he’s o.k.

  9. It does sound like conjunctivitus but of course it could be something worse if its not healing, you NEED to take him back to the vets. You signed up for vets bills the day you bought him! =]

    good luck

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