
Hamster has large black ball on her back and its pussing..?

by  |  earlier

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This morning i got up to find my hamster with a large black thing on her back,It leaking yellow puss.Any ideas what this could be?Ive never come across this befour.Thanks.




  1. Vet.

  2. Most likely a cyst take the hampster to the vets and there give antibiotics.

  3. The hamster could have injured herself, or could be severely allergic to something in the cage. It could even be a bite, if she was recently housed with other hamsters.

    The best thing to do is take her to the vet. If you're unable... you could /try/ draining the wound and putting a little Polysporin on it, but if it's infected she'll probably need medication.

  4. It sounds like a cyst. To be on the safe side take her to your vet he/she will most probably give you antibiotics.

    A few tips:

    Only handle her if you really must (as this will stress her out) and make sure you wash your hands after.

    Be quite when around her - As you should lil animals any way

    If she will let you bathe the cyst with luke warm water, use cotton wall pads and patt on and around the infected area (gently) obviously. Do this twice a day. Talk to her in a soft voice while you do this to help her stay relaxed.

    After treat her with a few of her favourite treats.

    It doesn't sound like anything to serious ie: a tumour. So try not to worry.

    Hope this helps and good luck

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