
Hamster health?

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We have a babay hamster that we adopted from a petstore when she was seven weeks old. That was back towards the end of August. Lately, she has been sleeping alot more, has not "cleanned" her cage is eating a little more, and her abdomen is quite large. However, she is still making acrobatic mioves. She is supposed to be a pure Syrian, however she looks like she is half drawf. Is it possible, that she is pregnant, or is it something else?




  1. she might be, i waz gonna say shez aging, but u said she waz a baby. :)

  2. No she cannot be pregnant, for that long. The abdominal swelling sounds like this could be a Pyometra, (an infection of the uterus, or caused by hormonal, and structural changes in the uterus lining.) this can affect old, and young female hamsters alike, particularly the Syrian. This is a more serious condition because the cervix is closed; there is no outlet for the infection to leave the body. Puss will then accumulate inside the infected uterus causing the abdomen to swell considerably. She needs to see a vet there are treatments available fior this condition.
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