
Hamster help!!!! URGENT!?

by  |  earlier

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i got a new hamster, and i got the critter trail 2 for a cage, but the water bottle is weird... he has been here for at least 5 hours... and hes eaten, but he wont drink!

i am very concerned, and i cant hand feed him because i just got him, and it is too late to get a new bottle :(

please help

~ Alex




  1. can he reach the bottle if he can squeeze it so it drips on him so he sees the bottle

  2. calm down give him some time pick him and the water bottle up and hand feed him... stick the end in his mouth and the put them both back in the cage.. but put him by the water and let him c it so he knows where it is... hit it so it drips and he should know... ! but dont worry hamsters live in the wild whith hard water to find. He will know!!!Good luck!

  3. OK, i am a HUGE fan of crittertrail cages, BUT the water bottles they come with are c**p... hard to clean, hard to refill, they drip and i hurts hammys neck to reach it... what i do is i cut it off with an Xacto knife about a centimetre below the bulge it has, and use that to 'cap-off' the hole..... you should do this ASAP and get a regular hang-on-the-side water bottle =]

  4. first off, can he actually reach the water bottle? if so, maybe drip some down so he knows where it is. he should figure it out. my dwarf hamsters did, though i was worried. it turned out fine

    add- it's a water bottle, he's been using one almost all his life =) and 5 hours isn't that long, especially if he's still getting used to his new surroundings. if he can reach it, he'll be okay

  5. Maybe he's not thirsty. He will figure it out. Now if its been a day then I would worry.

  6. If he cant reack it lower it if he cant drink from it get a new one. If that doesnt work try a small cup for him to drink out of.

  7. its ok hamsters dont drink much dont worry he will if he will want to..lower the botle he propably cant reach it and take him and make him smell the botle and tuch it so he will know its a source he can use

  8. Put your finger were the water drips out and see if water comes and make sure he can reach it.

  9. UM you can also put a water dish in over night.  The follow the advice of the other people before this answer.

  10. He is in a new enviorment and he will eat. If he doesn't eat or drink for a couple days switch up his food.

    Good Luck!

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