
Hamster help?

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Are hamster balls okay?

I want to put mine in one but I want to be sure it wont make him nervous...

and where can they go, in my room, in my house, backyard, sidewalk?




  1. watch out for stairs check the weather to see if he can go outside hamster balls are fine

  2. Hamster balls are great, they give your hamster a chance to exersize and explore out of their cage. They can rool just about any where the want, but supervise them to make sure that they don't get out or go down stairs. I wouldn't take them outside, they could pick up a disease. You will know if it makes him nervous, he will probably not roll. My hamster likes to roll on tile more, put he will roll on carpet too.

  3. Don't let your hamster outside in a ball it might get to hot and it won't make them freak out my hamster is very scared of everything and when i put her in there she was just fine! Don't buy one that is too big because it will make them frustrated cause it would be to much work! You can have the ball pretty much anywhere inside your house but stay away from stairs or high traffic areas in your house!

  4. yeah, just make sure the lid stays on. i had one for my hamsters, but then the lid was loose and kept falling off. i caught my hammy though so it was fine. it'd be best to pick just one room that he can roll around in... outside is not so safe.

  5. yea hamster could go to the balls but there really nervous on the first time they go in it

  6. Yes they are ok because you can put your hamster there and it can play, do exercise, expore the house and it cant scape so the ball is great in my opinion.

  7. hamster balls can be dangerous whatver u do dont bring her outside with it because she could ascape but i would get one for  indoors and i would make a arena of pillows circiling te carpet so she it dosnt get heart

  8. hamster balls are fine but make sure u put them far away far from where they usually sit or stay or sleep so they get used to there surroundings again

  9. yes they love them but don't leave them in there too long. When I had mine they would start to p**p in there if left in to long. One time I let my hammy stay in there a few hours and it fell asleep lol. But they do like it. Any where except the stairs is fine inside :] and they can go in there in your backyard and sidewalk too just keep an eye on them when they're outside.

  10. yeh my hamster loved them!!!

    they had little air holes in them and we put treats on the floor and he rolled over them and picked them up it was so cute

    side walk might not bw the best place to go as he might  go into the road

    aslong as he can't get to the stairs it should be fine as hamster down the satirs is not good :)

  11. some hamsters like them more than others my hamster would get real nervous and pee in it and p**p and it would be a mess. You really wont know till you try in out (ive had several hamster, they all didnt do it)

  12. I only let my hamster in his ball in my bedroom. I feel like it's more of his safe zone.

    when I let im outside I place him in a hamster pen, but I sit there and watch him the whole time, they can escape very easy.

  13. Hamster balls are very very ok because you should put your hamster in it usually because that is its excersize source and if it goes near steps dont let it go down them or fall down it and you can put it anywhere and you can put it outside as long as it is not to hot because of heat will melt the ball iif it is plastic and if it touches the ball when it over heats it will burn and from the heat it will combust and or expand and it also can not be to cold or it will freeze in place.
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