
Hamster help.........!?!?

by  |  earlier

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Im going to buy a hamster the first week of september. Im a new hamster owner, but I've had siblings that have owned hamsters but those hamsters have passed away by now:(. Anyways, what are somethings I should know before buying it?




  1. Hamsters are good pets. I actually have 8 (recently had 6 babies). They can fight though, so if you get more than one, be careful. And always be gentle, they bite super hard... :/

    They're so cute though.

  2. well you gotta have a cage with toy so the hamster could chew on so their theet could not over grow also never wash their theet if they are yellow that means their theet are healthy. you can also feed your hamster fruits and veggies like lettuce carrots apples etc. also once in a while you should give him a bath with special hamster shampoo they sale those at the pet store. and also really important you should have a wheel because hamsters do a lot of excersice trust me they will run up to 7 miles in thier wheel! also you should include a hising place so he can sleep in there and hide. also you should always carry your hamster by the back and when he gets home wait about a day to touch him because he might be nervous inside this new and strange home. you should get a teddy bear hamster they are more domesticated than any other hamster and they dont bite. oh and also name him hammy

  3. I have found that most hamsters especially males should be housed separately they tend to be aggressive.Just remember to be patient with him or her and make slow movements  and keep your voice calm . It is best to have the cage ready at home before you get you new Hammy. They do like to chew a lot and most of the really cute plastic cages will be destroyed or the chewing will drive you crazy. A basic wire cage with a few different levels work great and these provide a lot of ventilation.They definitely need a hiding house , chew sticks or Hamteriods,fresh water daily,a wheel,a varied diet suitable for hamsters and lots of love from you. Be sure to stay away from pine  bedding as the oils can cause respiratory issues.Always scoop with your hands and stay low to the floor just in case it decides to jump(they do this sometimes).

  4. you don't need that many things... all you need is a cage, food, food dish, bedding, water bottle, wheel, maybe some things to chew on, and maybe some cleaning supplies. all you have to do is love your hammie (i like it spelled that way), clean his/her cage 2 a week, and if something is wrong, take hammie to the vet. ohh... and most of the time, cages come with food, a wheel, bedding, water bottle, and a food dish.

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