
Hamster illness i need help?!??!??!?!??!?!??

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My hamster is about 8 months old and i have recently noticed little red sores beneath his mouth. i have no idea what they are and it is growing. can anyone help?




  1. take him to the vet

  2. Have you started feeding him anything new? My hamsters back turned red when I fed him raisins and nuts. I guess its like an allergy.  If not, I would ask a vet.

  3. It is difficult to figure out what the hamster is suffering from with indication of the little red sores so the best thing is to let it be investigated by a vet and treated accordingly.

    One thing springs to mind about these symptoms, however.  There is a condition that hamsters can get called polyomavirus infection.  The symptoms of this are small red sores that can appear pretty much anywhere on the hamster's body, but in particular on the face and neck. A hamster could have just one or two, but they can also appear rapidly over the course of a few days/weeks.  This virus is a contagious form of lymphoid cancer (contagious to other hamsters).  My friend had a hamster with this but the vet treated him and he went on to live a full life of 2 years.

    Your hamster might not even be having this condition (it is just my guess based on my own past experience of similar symptoms) and therefore I strongly advise you get a veterinary opinion sooner rather than later.

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