
Hamster lies very still and stares....?

by  |  earlier

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When my hamster does this if you touch her she doesnt move at all and continues to stare at nothing. Why does she do this?




  1. my hammy did that!!!!!!!!! ♥ she is just dazing and looking at something at a distance its nothing to worry about!

  2. Hamsters are known for "freezing". The behavior you described is completely normal.  When the hamster "freezes" she is simply focusing her attention on something.  This could be a new or different sound or smell.  Normally hamsters freeze standing on their hind legs but other positions are also possible. They can remain in this position from anywhere for a few seconds to 3 minutes.As long as there are no other signs of sicknesses in your hamster, this is nothing to be worried about. However if she is freezing for more than 10 minutes at a time, there is cause for concern and a vet visit is a necesscity.

  3. is she still alive even>??

  4. Well, is she alive

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