
Hamster name??

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I'm having trouble naming my Blond Long Haired Syrian Hamster???? Its a male, so i'm finding it hard to think of one.




  1. Look and see how it acts and then name it according to its actions. Like if it loves to cuddle with you name it cuddles, ect. If It sleeps all the time name it sleepy. If you still can't thing of one use this website...

  2. Teddy

  3. nibbels , nubbels

  4. Can you think of any names that appeal to you? I named my hamster on the way it acted. Tarzan, because he would swing from the bars of his cage.

    Try and watch the way he acts, or foods he likes.

    Hope that helps!

  5. mouse

  6. Blondilocks

    Gold Muffin

    Some kind of desert

    I dunno.

    Try studying his personality, see if he does anything interesting.

    I named a hamster Nibbles cuz he nibbled on things alot.

  7. HAMPIRE!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Treasure,Cheerio,Bannanas,or Vanilla.

  9. Billy Bob, Bob, Billy, Billy Bob Joe, Joe, Bubba, Jr., John, ...... umm...............idk

  10. Banana, Rozo, Twang.... Whatever comes to your mind is the best! :)

  11. my pal called her hamster, speedy ! lol ! cause it runs around on it's wheel  really fast ! :-)
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