
Hamster on airplane?

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hi everyone, my family and i are thinking about travelling and i have 2 syrian hamsters. can i bring them on the airplane caz we might not come back for like 1 week to1 month and no one can take care of them(beside i don trust them). so lets say they are on the plane can i bring the cage with me or do they have to go in this place where they keep the other animals caz i think they will be scared. and will their ears get hurt. and i know i should bring cage,food,toys,water but what else do i need caz im flying to china which will take 13 hour on plane. help please

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  1. They keep them with checked luggage, but it would probably put a lot of stress on a hamster. I wouldn't chance it. Just give them a LOT of extra food and fill up their water completely. A hamster probably won't over eat, and they don't drink much water. Otherwise leave them with a relative or friend.

  2. Call and ask your local vet.

  3. the airline probably wont allow it, but if they do just make sure you always are paying attention to it. take alot of extra food nd water so it never gets hungry or anything. itll probably be scared. you can ask a vet or pet store, nd they will tell you more.


  4. Alright, let's get down to business.

    To answer your question, most airplanes will allow you to bring a pet on board IF you do as they say:

    >You have to have a follow up vet check to ensure your pet is perfectly healthy and will not get any other animals sick.  If your pet is sick, it's an automatic no.

    >You will not be able to sit with your hamster on the airplane.  If everything checks out okay, you will have your hamster packed away in several cages back in the back of the plane (where you will not be able to see it until the plane lands).

    >You will have to sign papers saying that you are responsible for the hamster.  If it gets out of the cage, YOU are going to have to find the hamster.  If you don't and someone else finds it first, they have the right to kill it under some cases.  YOU also have to check over the airplane and all the wires to make sure no damage was done.  If damage was done, you will be fined what ever it takes to fix it.  Considering it is a plane, the fine could easily be hundreds of dollars.

    Let's get into costs.  This is where you will more than likely have to say no to taking your hamster along with you.  The vet alone will cost a lot of money.  I believe most vets in the USA charge $20 just for an appointment.  That's what happened to me.

    Secondly, let's talk about those cages your hamsters will be in.  You can bring your own, but they're going to be packed away in several others to ensure they don't get away.  These cages aren't going to be cheap.  This alone will cost a couple hundred dollars if I remember correctly.  Then double everything because you're going to have to pay for a vet check on the way back before they can board and the cages again when you fly back home.

    Now a warning.  While some hamsters are okay, some have died on planes because of the pressure and stress.  Even if you pay fair and square, you cannot hold anyone responsible for their death as it was your choice to bring them on the plane.

    Now if your parents were willing to foot the bill, you would need to bring pretty much everything.  Maybe not all the toys, but enough food for your hamsters to survive while you're gone since China probably won't have the same food and switching their diets too fast can make them sick.  You would need to fill their water bottles before getting on the plane.  They should be alright.  I don't think they'll go an entire water bottle in 13 hours, no matter how thirsty they get.  Give them some food as well.  Remember, this is less than one day, not a week on the plane.  But within the confines of your luggage somewhere, yeah, you would want to bring their toys, bedding, and lots of food.

    I would highly recommend getting a pet sitter.  I don't think vets would pet sit, but you can often find pet sitter numbers at your local pet store.  At Petsmart, there is sometimes a bulletin board with pictures of lost pets, pets for sale, giving away, etc and you could probably find a few numbers.  These people are okay to trust.  You can set up a time to meet them out for lunch and talk to them if you're that worried.  But in the long run, it would be cheaper to trust a pet sitter with your hamsters than take them on a plane.

  5. no i dont think you should do that, its cruelty.. and to take animals on planes, they have to drug them, and they put them in underneath.

    and if you take a pet to a forgein currency, they have to go into quarenteen when you get back for a few weeks, to see that they didnt catch anything..

    Hamsters are completely indepentant animals, Id buy a very large cage with many compartments, hook at least 3 water bottles to it.. and lload it with food, they really should be okay.. maybe ask a friend to just come in a check theyre cages arent to messy..

  6. with today's security prob not but always ask and yes make sure there happy cause there gonna be scarred on the moveing around part and not seeing you
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