
Hamster peeing <span title="blood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?">blood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

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my hamster is peeing blood... i really need to take my hamster to the vet but my mom doesn't care for animals and said no and made a whole bunch of excuses, but then finally she caved in and now i'm going!! it s been two days since my hamster was peeing blood is it too late..? if he is going to die, how can i make his last moments the best it can be? oh and he looks like he is in kind of pain when he pees (only)one drop of blood like every five mineuts......




  1. Our hamster just had this problem.  Her name is Nutmeg.  

    Yes, you need to take the hammy to a vet as soon as possible.  In the meantime, the hamster will not drink on its own. You will have to force it to drink.  I dropper fed ours a mixture of pedialyte and water every 15 minutes and once she got stronger I woke up every 90 minutes  during the night to make her drink water.  She is just fine now, drinking and eating on her own.

    Your hamster can live, you just have to work at it.

    Good Luck.

  2. Take the little fella to the vet D:

  3. If your hamster is a boy it&#039;s probably a urinary tract infection &amp; u should take him to the vet as soon as possible. If it&#039;s a girl she might be having her period.

  4. Hurry go 2 the VET lives r at stake!!!!!

  5. your doing better then others i know. bring him to the vet and just give him love and care.

  6. not to be mean but it sounds like your hamster has vd.

  7. monthly period?

  8. ohhh that is soooo sad. you should put him out of his misery. I have a pet ball Python that will bite his head and squeeze him to death in only about five seconds, and then his existence will be a huge contribution to the cycle of life. Its a whole lot more humane, and probably the best thing for the hamster too. I&#039;m interested in helping you out.


    When hamsters pee blood, it could mean an urinary tract infection(UTI). Consult a vet and obtain a hamster-safe antibiotic such as Baytril or Albon.

    UTI is not fatal to the hamster&#039;s life,so he would definitely be safe and sound once the vet administers medicines to him.

    You can save the life of your hamster the sooner you take him to a vet. So what are you waiting for, rush to a vet immediately!!!

  10. Well, if he&#039;s still moving around and peeing, he isn&#039;t going to die anytime soon- trust me on this, hamsters, if you catch them dying, die horriblely and then it&#039;ll be it&#039;s &#039;last moments&#039;.

    But just take him to the vets ASAP. Blood peeing sounds like a kidney or bladder infection, and I don&#039;t know how much a vet can do for that- it may be okay and you may get anti-botics, but if it&#039;s too bad they may put him to sleep.


    You can&#039;t help unless you&#039;re a vet.


    All you can do now is make sure he has water so he doesn&#039;t get dehydrated and a bit of food. Change the bedding he pees on for comfort. But it doesn&#039;t sound like he&#039;s dying, so just take him to a vet!

  11. Vet.

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