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I really want a hamster but i don't know if i should get a black bear or a teddy bear. I want one that doesn't bite too much and one that I can play with. Also can hamsters be sent to a kennel like dogs when you go on vacation. Also I need information on both because my parents haven't said yes yet but if I give them alot of information they will let me.




  1. I would not ger either a Black Bear or a Teddy Bear.

    If you want a playful nice hamster i would get a Fancy hamster. They are a larger hamster but they are very friendly. My Fancy hamster is a female and only shows aggresion when abruptly awakened.

    I do not believe that Hamsters can be boreded but if you have a neigbor that can play with it for an hour and feed it and do all the needed things it should be o.k. Also most places that you go allow small animals. If you are flying don't take it the high altitude will be very dangerous for your hamster.

  2. I'd suggest a black bear - although Teddy Bear hamsters have softer fur, all of mine bit me for the first few weeks.

    You can usually board small animals, but not at a kennel. Almost all of the pet stores in my town will take care of rodents for about $2 a day. Be warned, they will not clean the cage or handle the pets unless you are gone for a really long time. My hamster was SO fat when we brought him home because he got absolutely zero exercise.

    If you have neighbours you trust, you can always get them to come once a day and give your hamster fresh veggies, change the water and give it a quick pat. I prefer this, but boarding is also alright if you find the right place. It can also save you some money. =)

  3. i had a teddy bear hamster when i was 10ish. it was really cute and cuddly and loved to play! it never peed on me or bit me, didn't stink (was litter box trained-no joke!), liked to ride on my shoulder or my pocket and lived for 3 and a half years. i loved that thing! teddies are great for first time hamster owners! i don't know much about black bear hamsters.. but i've heard they're good pets too. as far as the kennel thing goes... i haven't heard about one for hamsters, but im sure a good friend will hamster-sit it for you! my friends have several times =0) good luck!

  4. i have a teddy bear hamster [: & he has not bite me yet [:

    My hamster ;; likes to beplayed with

    sorry i cnt give u much other info...cuz ijust got him.. n i am still learning myself

  5. Teddy bear and Black bear hamsters are the same. Both belong to the same breed called SYRIAN hamsters. Teddy bear is the fancy name given to syrian hamsters with long hair and black bear is the fancy name given to syrian hamsters with black fur.

    Whether you buy a teddy bear or black bear, you are buying a syrian hamster which has its own characteristics.

    Syrian hamsters are nocturnal but may wake for short times during the day.

    They generally quite good-natured and easy to tame and handle.

    They can be nippy but that is usually due to lack of handling or trying to handle them during the day when they would rather be sleeping otherwise they can be very friendly pets.

    You cannot put two syrian hamsters in the same cage. They are very territorial and can have vicious fights causing death too.

    Pet shops normally have facilities to keep hamsters in a cage when you go on vacation. Check with the pet shop you are buying from and make an arrangement with them to leave your pet when you are on vacation.

    Hope this helps!!
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