
Hamster question,is this normal?!

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My ham ham , I got her a week ago and everynight , like a normal ham would go on the wheel endlessly!

But now for the past 3 nights my hamster hasnt even touched the wheel. she wen on once in the 3 days for about 30 seconde, but that about it!

she is eating and hourding food. Drinking a bit of water, well thats a nother question would a bowl be better for her to drink out of?

Lastly she won't eat any of the chew/ teeth fialing toys I buy for her! She was fialling her teeth on the cage walls a few nights ago, now she stopped that , andI noticed her teeth are a bit long.

I think its redicualous to pay 40$ for a teeth job at the vets, so thats out.

I have bought the "s.a.m" brand chew carrots, and the ice cream chews for her.

Any advice on what toys or items that could work here?

Thanks for the help on ALL of my questions




  1. As for chewing toys, try dog biscuits, it has a high success rate in a hamster's favourites for gnawing. Buy only dog biscuits without added salt or sugar in them. Another alternative is empty toilet roll tubes which are also favourites of many hamsters.

    Check her for any signs of sickness like abnormal p**p, improper eating or unhealthy fur. If she looks fine otherwise, just give her some time. Maybe she is getting used to the place. Take her out for 20 minutes in the hamster ball daily so that she gets her necesscary exercise.

    Also check if the wheel is suitable for the hamster. The common wheels with wires or rungs can be irritating for the hamsters since they can get their leg stuck in the gaps and that could be the reason the hamster has stopped using her exercise wheel. The best wheels are the moulded wheels with solid surface and no gaps in them. The size of the wheel should also be comfortable for the hamster to fit in.

  2. Here are some treats and toys that my hamster LOVES!!!

    and try putting toilet paper roll things in her cage, also, is she kind of fat??? Was she sold in the same cage as males when you bought her, maybe she's pregnant, though it's a very low chance! As for the bowl question, I don't think a bowl would be a good idea, because if she accidentally falls in there, she's going to get soaked! And then when she walks around, she's going to have all her bedding and food stick to her fur! Maybe she won't touch the wheel because she's getting too big for it, pick her up and put her on the wheel, you can tell just by looking if she's too small for it. Also, to get her more active if she won't touch her wheel, if you don't already have one, go to the pet store and buy her a ball, try to keep her in it for at least 15 minutes a day, and for the first couple days, if she can't figure out how to run in it, give her small pushes, and sooner or later she'll figure it out. Anothe reason she could be lazy lately is that she's too hot, I've heard that if hamsters are too hot, they won't be that active, or move for that matter! Try replacing her water daily with really cold water, and maybe if you have one, put a fan near her cage and put it on low, not aimed towards the cage, but right past it. Hope I helped and good luck!!!

    -Pumpkin  8D

  3. Sounds like your hamster just needs to get used to her surroundings they need about two weeks before they are ready to be handled regulerly. I have had 3 hamsters and none of them chewed their chew toys. When hamsters are scared a lot of the time they will stay in bed until everyone else is asleep. Thats what my 3rd hamster did for the first 3 weeks. If you are really concerned about it put him in his ball for 15 minutes out of the day. You can find these at most pet stores and I think that if it useful to his chewing at least he can sleep in it. Good luck!


  5. ok What type of Ham is it? I have dwarf ham have one blind eye and a worryed but she eates fine and goes on wheel.30 sec is good but not engough. do you have a hamsterball? if so Put her in it will run. how old? if Baby not used to it yet.  

  6. Try just a normal tube of wood. They love them and there so cheap. Its normal with her/him not going in the wheel because a lot of hamsters don't actually like there wheels. x

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