
Hamster question????

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Can you put a mirror inside or next to your hamsters cage? Is it bad to do that?




  1. Its not a good idea. All hamsters have fairly a fairly limited feild of vision, so the mirrors 'effectiveness' is limited anyways by how far your pet can see.

    Syrians like to live alone, so adding a reflection to make them think they have company will just stress them out. They don't want company.

    Dwarves are social and like company, a reflection isn't going to provide the interaction and companionship.

    The only possible senario I can come up with for using a mirror that may have benefit is if you're adding it for a humans use rather than a hamsters. Maybe a situation where you're mirroring part of the cage, so that you can observe a hamster in an otherwise hidden part of the cage without disturbing them. I wouldn't use a regular mirror in that senario; you'd want a parabolic mirror (like the ones used to observe theives in C-stores)

  2. i dont think it matters if u do

    ive onli ever know people to put them in budgies cages

    but i dont know why they do it

  3. I don't know why you would want to.

    But I would probably say it doesn't matter.

    Hamsters can't see very well so they would just be able to see their own reflection, but they wouldn't be able to smell a hamster so they wouldn't get too stressed; but still, it may be a better idea not to do it.

    I don't know WHY you would, though.

  4. I dont think they would care. you might have the occasional crazy maniac hamster that freaks out. the worst that can happen is he runs around crazy like for a few minutes and you take it away with no harm done and it could make him feel like hes not alone wich i guess could be good. I know people do that for birds for that reason.

    I guess the only answer is try and see:)


  5. gee i dont know- as long as there is no sun in the room becausse it might reflect off the mirror and hurt the hammy's eyes.........
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