
Hamster question......???????

by  |  earlier

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my family has had a hamster for awhile now. my husband wants to build it some cool stuff out of wood... but i can't remember which types are o.k. to use. i know no chem. treated

but does anyone know any specific woods that are ok??




  1. I think most store bought wood hamster toys are made of pine

  2. Use pine cedar or aspen, that what the bedding is made of. Aspen is safest because others may release natural fumes that can harm the hamster, but i dont even know if you can use it in building. If so that is what you should use. If not go with pine or cedarwood.

  3. ceder or pine or aspen

  4. I know that Pine and cedar woods are okay... Pretty much stick to the woods that they make the wood chip bedding out of...

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