
Hamster taming!! help!!!?

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i got a new hamster like a week or so ago and im scared of her ever since she bit me really hard. i dont know how she's doing right now cuz im scared of her! is there some way i can tame her that doesn't involve like trying to pick her up really calmly or something? my other hamster's fine. i tamed her real quick and she only nibbled on my finger. i tamed her by putting my hand in with food in it and thats the only way she could get food (i took her food bowl out). eventually she started to like me and we're friends now but the other one... im scared of her!! help!




  1. try staying calm around her if u really want to hold her put gloves on and then hold her and also vist this site

  2. you just have to trust her, k? if she does bit you, remember that its not going to kill you, just make a little bit of red stuff come out of you at the most. almost all hamsters are like this when they are new. you should probly put something small of yours like a sock or something that she can get your scent from. then talk to her everytime you go past the cage. play with her at night and try not to wake her until she's tame. be easy with her. remember that a little pain is a good thing. just make sure she sees ur hand before you try picking her up so you don't scare her, then she's more likely to bite in her defense. it'll get around to her eventually that ur not going to hurt her or take her food or something. just be brave and go for it.


    seriously, I don't mind getting an email from you need help or even just someone to talk to. its available on my profile.

    p.s., don't wear glove cause she won't be able to get ur hands scent.

  3. put a glove on and try touching her.

  4. Just try to get over hamster bites, did it hurt that bad? If you can't handle the bites, wear thick gloves so you can hold her. Maybe she was a bit grumpy . The only time my hamster doesn't bite is when he's up and hyper in the night.

  5. I had a hamster just like that! what you do is take lgardening gloves and put your hand in her cage. then when she climbs onto your hand feed her a rasin and pet her back...The gloves prevent her teeth to go all the way threw

    if you want more help... email me!

  6. first off Dont wake him up from a sleep or he will be very cranky and bite.

    Feed him his favorite snack through the cage bars well talking to him to associate your voice with food.

    After two days of feeding him through the bars you should wash your hands very good and then put hia favorite treat on the palm of your hand. And allow him to come to your hand and eat on it. do this for several days untill he stands on your hand and eat.

    After he sits on your palm well eating lift him up and bring him out if he doesnt jump.

    If he doesnt stay on your hand well picking him up use an object to bring him out of the cage once he is out play with him for about 10 minutes.

    Note for Dwarves you have to play with them everday or they forget who you are and will bite you.

  7. wear gloves n hold hr until she gets used to u that wat i did my hamster is nice know

  8. i just got a dwarf hamster like 3 weeks ago!

    hamsters are territorial, so whenever i stuck my hand in, mine would bite me

    but if i open the door and let him get out by himself, he lets me pick him up

    try letting them get outta their cage by theirselves :)

    i hope this helps!

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