
Hamster taming?

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right before any of you lecture me on how to tame a hamster i want you to know that i am experienced i have had many hamsters and currently have 3, i just bought a new little boy he is about 6 weeks old and ive NEVER had a problem taming a hamster but with this one i am absoloutly stuck

i have tried everything.. all the typical tricks he is just not having it, he is so scared if i go near the cage he runs into the corner and tries to run up the wall frantically for half an hour, if i talk to him or put my hand in the cage he just freezes and shakes.. i feel mean scaring him so much i just dont know what to do or where to start? ive never had such a problem.. i dont want to distress him and give him wet tail or anything.. has anyone else had a typically difficult hamster? dont answer if you dont have any experience




  1. scoop him up. cup him in your hands and carry him out of he room. sit down somewhere and hold him gently. talk softly and calmly for about 5 minutes. swaddle him if necessary. do this daily for about a week and if he isn't better...

    i have a little girl gerbil who had the same problem. this worked great with her.

    call a vet who specializes in exotics/rodents/hamsters and get help, he could be sick (pinworms, tapeworms, etc.)

  2. Put a hamster treat on your hand and try that.  You could use cereal but make sure it is not sugary.

  3. Give him some time, the poor thing! He's only 6 weeks old. I would just keep doing what you're doing until he seems okay with it. Simply walk into the room and talk to him. If he freezes, just keep on talking to him in a low, soft voice. Once he gets used to this, relatively, slowly stick your hand in the cage. Leave it there until the poor guy stops walking up the wall. This one sounds stubborn and won't take a week to tame.

    Those are my suggestions.

    Oh! And also try giving him LOADS of treats! (but dont get him sick) Hamsters tend to trust you more. They think "Hey! Look! That human over there gives me food! She's not so bad I guess."


    And ignore the answer above me by Mike A: DO NOT '...THROW THE TOWEL IN...". Thats just mean and it isn't the poor hamsters fault! I feel bad for the little one, running up walls & such! Just be kind and gentle. All he needs is a little TLC.

  4. You obviously know the usual steps one takes when first getting a hamster and getting them tame.  I'd suggest just taking each step much much slower than usual.  For example, you'd normally leave a new hammie alone for 2 -3 days.  I'd leave him completely alone for a couple of weeks.  Have his cage in a room where you are so that he gets used to you being in the vicinity, and used to the sound of your voice, your smell etc.  One day, you will find that he is standing up peering out at you to see what is going on.  At that point offer him a sunflower seed or something and then keep on with that stage until you absolutely know for sure that he is ready to move on to the next stage.

    It will likely take much longer than you would usually expect but I think that you're much more likely to end up with a happy hamster in the end.

    Good luck.

  5. Maybe you should leave him alone for a week or two and then just try talking to him or giving a treat through the bars, it could work! =]

  6. Maybe something happend when little or just shy leave him alone for 2 days he needs to get used to his surrondings.

  7. Maybe try not picking him up for a few days, but give him a treat every so often and maybe give him a stroke as you do it, that way he'll get use to you and the way you smell and hopefully grow more confident good luck! x

  8. D:...  Maybe he had a bad experience when he was little.  Just give him time... Hopefully he'll get over it and learn to trust you.  JUst keep giving him treats and talk calmly.  hopefully he'll get tame

  9. i have but when she was in the bottom of her cage i grabbed her wearing gloves and put her in the bath (dont worry it was dry) and got in then stroked her and started picking her up but if she bit me it wouldnt hurt me now she is quite tame and pregnant babys due on 17 july

  10. I have had 4 hamsters, you need to leave it alone for about a week or so to get used to you. but some hamsters just won't tame


    you can get much information in this website,kindly stay a minute in website and check anyone link at a time,and you can aslo get your question answer in Google Search in this website, which has already helped me very much

  12. sounds like a personality problem.  you can't get winners everytime.

    we've had good hamsters and one was really bad.  he'd try to bite and tear up anything that came near him.

    you might need to just throw in the towel with this one and get another.

  13. hey, ive only had one hamster but i had the same problem.the thing i did was: (be carful with this) picking him/her up, it might bite so i used thick gloves at first, and u hold it and let it move hand by hand and show it LOTS of afection and give'em treats. it seemed to work for me :P

    Good luck : )
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