
Hamster tips please?

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This is my first hamster so please help me out. First of all i dont know where i should but the cage-

I have three coices:

1. in my room which is VERY bright during the day

2. game room which is noisy

3. guest room which is dark and for the GUESTS

What are some good snacks to give my hamster?

And what are some things that I can put in the cage for fun?

If you have any other tips please feel free to leave them :]




  1. Hamsters should be put in a dim area. The game room and guest room are ruled out due to noise and darkness. Perhaps you can find a corner in your room which does not have bright sunlight and put your hamster cage there. The cage in your room would also give you ample opportunities to interact with your hamster.

    The best food for hamsters is only the commercial hamster feed mix available in the pet shops. Hamsters need variety in their diet and the best way to do it is to get the commercial hamster feed that contains all the vitamins and minerals that your hamster requires. Give him the commercial feed and you are sure to have a healthy hamster for a long time.

    You can feed him treats occassionally.However, the commercial hamster mix should account for 80% of the hamster daily diet and only 20% should come from treats.

    Also remember any treat you give him should be unsalted, without sugar and without flavour. Visit the following link for a list of foods you can and not give a hamster. Take a printout and put in on a board for easy reference.

    Some healthy snacks for hamsters are -


    Skimmed Milk

    Bits of cheese

    Bits of hard boiled egg

    Bran flakes


    Give her a variety of toys to play with in her cage apart from the exercise wheel. By toys, I do not mean the expensive ones you get in pet shops. Your hammy would be equally or more happy with inane things like empty toilet toll tubes, toothpaste cartons with flaps cut off or even hollowed out plastic balls (non toxic plastic should be used). I even remove the base of Starbucks coffee cups to make simple tunnels for my hamsters.

    Always exercise your hamster in her hamster ball for 20 minutes everyday under your supervision.

    To learn more about hamsters and their care, visit the site -

    This site is exclusively for hamsters and gives all the necesscary information.

  2. first  of  all  make  sure  the  cage  is  tall  and  the  bottles  small  cause  they  climb  on  water  bttles  to get  out  second  of  all  keep  the  cat  out  of  the  room  and  put  it  in  ur  room  and  keep the   door  shut     so  the  cat  cant  get  in   and  if  he  gets  out be  really  quite  and    u an hear  him and  get  a  hamster ball  they  live  for  like 8  years  but if  u  take  really  good  care  of  him  he  can live  for more  and  dont  give  him  too  much treats  also   make  sure u get  a  hamster  ball and  put  him in  it  regularly  and    hamsters  r  nocternal  so  they  sleep in   the day  so  dont  bother them  alot  and  in the  night  put ear plugs  on if u  got  three  they make  a lot  of noise  so  thats  all  i can  say  thats my  advice

  3. I keep my hamster,a syrian,Bella,in my room.I would suggest the same to you,so he\she gets some interaction with you. But,this means you have to clean the bedding a lot more often (once a week) as it will smell.Just make sure he\she is not in direct sunlight (away from windows would be best) and make sure its not too hot.

    Some good snacks,or in fact,requirements for a healthy hamster,would be friuts and veggies,about half a handful,twice a week.Also anything from the store is good.

    There are lots of things for the cage that would be reaLLY COOL. Tubes and 2nd floors are great.And a wheel is a fun toy and a requirement for a happy hammy (!!!) And a little house is also a requirement. There are more than 90 styles out there!

    Foods to avoid:

    tomatoes potatoes iceburg lettuce lemons oranges grapefruits kiwis uncooked things that should be cooked (exept pasta)

    Treats at home:seeds (unsalted)  popcorn (no butter\salt)  bread dry noodles

    Well I hop'ed I helped some if you need any specific tips then just edit your question and I will edit my answer

    Hope I helped!

    Good Luck!


  4. Put the cage where the hamster can  be comfortable and relaxed most of the time. Also, so you never have any biting problems with your hamster, let it get used to YOUR scent. Not the scent of it's new home. It has to get used to the scent of it's new owner: YOU. Hold it on the first day and play with it for as long as possible for about a week and then let it get used to it's home. I've been doing this for years and my hamsters have lived  long, healthy and fun lives (up to 4 years old).

    If you have any other pets such as dogs, cats etc, introduce the hamster to them so they're not strangers. I've also got a cat and her and the hamster can sit next to each other doing nothing for hours. Also, let the hamster know the rules on the first day (such as no "business" outside the cage) and tap it on the nose (gently!) if it breaks these rules.

  5. I would Put him or her in your room the light shouldn't bother your hamster too much.

    If you put the hammy in the guest room you will have to make sure it don't smell and you don't know if all your guests like hamsters. If you get it a wheel it is kinda loud at night... if there is guests it may be destacting.

    The noise from the game room will pry desturb your hamster.

    I feed my hamster carrots,broccoli,blueberries,nut,SOME cheese,peices on bananas. You can feed them almost anything just remove uneatten food after 12 hours.

    You can buy him or her a wheel for fun and excersize. Some chewing blocks to keep there teeth healthy. Things o crawl in and under. I put some empty toilet paper rolls in my hamsters cage.

    Hope I Helped <3. Good Luck!

  6. I think that you should put him in your room.  I am assuming it is not unbearably bright, as that is not good :P

    If the game room is always noisy, the hamster might be bothered.  To keep him in the guest room, you would have to be sure to keep the cage sanitary and not smelly, and you may not want all this hamster food and bedding bags out in the open.

    Here's a good site for snacks, and I think it might also be help for other care aspects.

    Don't forget the easy way to get him snacks: go to a local pet store.

    For toys, go here.  An example of an easy and inexpensive toy is a toilet paper roll.

  7. In your room and if it's very bright put a blanket over your Hamsters cage in the day as they sleep and don't mind the dark as their eyesight isn't brilliant.

    The guest room would also be good, but defo not the games room.

    I'll put down a list of what I give my Hamster...


    Boiled egg (her fave!)


    Un-Salted peanuts

    Sunflower seess (Loves them!)





    (You can feed them most things but not citrus fruits like oranges or garlic and herbs like that, but parsleys ok and basil.)

    I have loads of stuff to put in my hamsters cage here's a few.

    Toilet tubes

    McDonalds and Take away Coffee Cups (empty + cleaned!)

    Clean pencil case

    Tissue boxes

    Cereal boxes

    Pringle tubs

    Boxes and more boxes

    A plastic tub

    there's loads of homemde stuff on thsi site...

    ***Hope that helpd!***

    What you gona call it???

  8. Well, I would put the hamster in your room in a corner furthest away from the light so it can get some sleep.

    Try that site for stuff for your hamster to eat and what to avoid.

    I put Milk-Bones in my hamster cage and my hamsters like to gnaw on them, also it helps to keep their teeth worn down which is important. I also give them toilet-paper tubes to let them gnaw on and go through. Do you have a wheel like this?

    Those type of wheels are BAD!!!! DO NOT USE ONE!!! Hamsters get their feet stuck in the spokes and sometimes brake them. I'm not very sure of what you can do for a hamster with broken legs...

    Hope I Helped!!!!


  9. Ok, well put the cage away from direct sunlight, and not in a drafty area(window, door, fan, etc) and not in the game room...its too noisy and your hamster will NOT like it AT ALL.

    good snacks are non butterd or salted popcorn

    vegies (carrots, celery, broccoli, lettuse, tomato, corn, apples, bananas, grapes)


    a little bit of milk

    make sure you clean these things out within an hour of giving it to your hamster, as they can all spoil.

    fun things for cage:

    toilet paper roll

    pieces of tissue

    things like this -

    hope i helped! :)

  10. well i would put the cage in ur room but like try to keep it as dark as u can

    as the guests room is good if there r no guests and all or that will be comeing soon

    the best snack u can give ur hamster is sunflower seeds the love them

    for toy just get then so harm full lil kid toys thats realy fun for my hamster

  11. Okay for your first question i would choose your room becasue u would be spending the most time in there for time to play with him. I wouldn't choose the loud game room because hamsters have very sensitive ears and the guests might get a little creeped out and how much would u be going to the guest room?

    Ok for your next question i would say Apples, Carrots, Chesse, Crackers, Watermelon, Celery, Broccoli, Strawberries, Blueberries, Raspberries, Noodles, Little pieces of chicken, Bananas. Any table-scrabs really.

    And for the last and final question this website has tons of ideas.

    Hope this helped!!

  12. in your room,

    give him some carrots or apples, also yoghurt drops they love!!!!!!

    put in used up toilet paper rolls, things he can chew on, the cage can have a tube along the outside for him to go threw, a bed, lots of sawdust so he can hide, and lots of tunnels (cardboard mainly) for him to chew on as well as hav fun going threw, but also play with him ureself, at first just put ur hand in the cage wen u get him and then wen hes comfy with that start stroking him, and when hes used to that start picking him up, and playing with him, this will make him used to humans so he dosent bite, dont put more than one hamster in the cage because you will regret it! i did! i put 2 russian hamsters in the same cage (sisters) one night i heard this squealing, checked them out, one had attacked the other, and it was covered in blood, then it had to have major surgery and we gave the mean one back. its not worth it!

    also if you hav any tubes on the outside, put it against the wall, because my tube was knocked of or something and my hamster escaped and we never found her. very sad, but just be careful x

    hav fun with ur hamster and gd luck x*x
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