
Hamster traveling?

by  |  earlier

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I'm going away for 10 days, so just to be safe I'm taking my darf hamster to a relatives. It is about a 15 to 20 minute drive. Will he be okay in his normal cage aslong as someone is holing on to him???Please help, and fast, I'm Taking him tomorrow!!!!!!!?!!?!?!?!?!?!




  1. Hey=)

    You can take him, as long as he's not in direct sunlight and your holding him so all the bedding and food doesn't come out lol.  Have a fun trip!!

    P.S. Your a top contributer wooo! lol

  2. yeah he'll be fine

  3. as long as he has fresh food and water and his cage is sitting uprightand not clamped up in a bag he will be fine

  4. He will be fine.  The vibrations of the car make the water bottle leak though so empty it brfore the journey and re-fill it after.  If you want to give it water give it some cucumber or something high in moisture.

  5. he should be fine as long as he has somewhere to feel safe e.g a house full of bedding or a corner full of wood shavings (or what ever you use) i hope this has helped

  6. No problem at all. It is only a 20 minutes drive and as long as you are holding his cage thereby preventing the cage from jerking when the car is turning etc, he should be very comfortable.

    Just remove the water bottle so he does not try to drink water and hit his nose when the car jerks (this happened to my friend's hamster) and give him a slice of cucumber to munch on to keep him hydrated during the short drive.

  7. You can do it but change the water and food don't put him in sinlight.Have a fun vacation.

  8. Yes, he should be prefectly fine as long as someones holding him :]

  9. He'll be fine. :)

  10. yep he will be fine :) i take mine to a reative when i go on hoilday and he is fine go a head, good luck have fun on your hoilday!!

  11. yeah if someone is holding the cage that will be perfect i have had MANY hamsters and when i went away i brough them to relatives by car and they were always fine. Have a fun vacation!

  12. of coarse he/she will b grand just dont put it in diret sunlight but other then that it will be fine so go alone and bring him ..!!! hope yho have a good vacation!! xx
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