
Hamster treats (healthy please)

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my brother didnt take care of his hamster very well and he knew it so he give her to me so what should i feed her as a treat ideas please




  1. they love carrots and apples. also a little plain non cooked oatmeal. lettice ect. you can also buy treats at the store. they usually love yoghurt drops which are fine in moderations. there is a link that covers most of everything. have fun .

  2. there are several other foods that a hamster considers a treat; but the dietician considers a nutritional dietary supplement such as:

    Eggs: Hamsters love hard-boiled eggs and they are high in protein. They are especially good for pregnant mothers and young stock. However, eggs should remain an occasional treat. Care must be exercised in removing all the uneaten egg within 24 hours after feeding so it doesn't remain in the cage and begin to rot.

    Fish Liver Oil: Rich in Vitamins A and D, a few drops of fish-liver oil on top of the grain can be given once a week. It is also possible to buy puppy meal already containing cod-liver oil, which greatly enhances the ease of feeding it.

    Meat: The subject of giving meat has been debated for years. Some believe that feeding meat will encourage cannibalism. However, there are reports of breeders who feed meat regularly and never experience abnormal cannibalism. Meat can be provided as small chunks of beef or mutton (totally avoid pork), canned dog foods or mealworms, which are a favorite for most hamsters.

    Milk: The basic problem with milk is that it needs to be given in a dish, which can readily be tipped over. Milk also turns sour quickly in warm weather. Because of the inherent problems, milk is seldom given to hamsters, with the exception of pregnant mothers, young and ill stock. Be sure to remove the dish and thoroughly clean it before the milk sours.

    Mixed Bird Seed: Another ideal supplement is the seed sold for budgerigars and canaries. It can either be mixed with the grain or a teaspoonful can be fed once a week.

    Monkey Chow is a satisfying treat for hamsters Monkey Chow: No, your hamsters won't swing from the chandelier if you feed them Monkey Chow. A high quality Monkey Chow (or kibble) is packed full of all sorts of nutritious stuff: corn, wheat germ, whole eggs, brewers yeast, various proteins, etc. Like many other treats, it is recommended that it not be fed more than once a week. As with the cat treats and dog biscuits, Monkey Chow is also good for assisting with keeping the teeth ground down.

    Yeast: Yeast is rich in Vitamin B which acts on the nervous system and is extremely effective in reducing stress. (Stress is the primary cause of many hamster diseases, in particular wet tail.) Feeding yeast once a week could very well be one of the greatest preventative measures for many illnesses. Give a pinch of nutritional yeast once a week. (Nutritional yeast, found in health food stores, isn't bitter like baker's yeast and your hamster will relish the flavor.) As an alternative, one-half of a yeast tablet found in pet shops for dogs and cats can be fed once a week. (When feeding your hamster yeast tablets, use plain tablets; not those with garlic since garlic is hard on a hamsters' kidneys.) Syrian Hamster Eating A Vegetable Treat

  3. cut him/her some apple up, and give them in small chunks.

    Carrots are also good....

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