
Hamster tricks...?

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does anybody know any tricks i could teach my hamster to do.... can you explain...she gets really bored...thanx




  1. not really! That doesa not mean you won't have a blast with your hamster! If you want a pet that you can teach tricks to, I think you can do that with rats if you want to teach a rodent tricks. Or how about a dog! Don't let it replace your hamster though! I have a female teddy bear hamster named bailee!why dont you answer my question? you may find it interesting!;...

  2. hamsters arent smart enough :P

  3. You can only tame hamsters and teach them to get onto your hands but other than that, it is very difficult to train them to do a specific trick unless related to their natural behavior.

    For example, my hamster always responds to my voice. When I call out his name, he is ready to come out and put his face to the cage bars even if he was asleep at that time.

    He knows the exact time when I will put him in his hamster ball and around that time, come near the cage bars and wait patiently for me.

    He also knows that if I whistle to him, he is going to get sunflower seeds. And if I whistle and give him any other treat, he will stubbornly refuse to accept it even if it is his favourite.

    I am giving you these examples to tell you that hamsters can be trained on simple things like this that also relate to their natural behavior but to make them do a trick as per your conditions is difficult.

    You can give it a try but don't be disappointed if it does not work out.

  4. You can teach her to dance! Show her a treat and wave it above her head until she stands up and tries to get it. Cut a little bit of the treat off and give it to her, then keep training her. Do this every day and she just might learn it! Good luck!

  5. If she's bored, just buy her some more toys...if she doesn't have a wheel, get her one. Rotate the toys every week. It's hard train hamsters...and that wouldn't really "unbore" her.

  6.!!!!! Hammy's need toys and exercise! My hammy's favorites were his wheel and the big ball they can cruise around in. They also love tubes to crawl around in. There's all kinds of exercise toys you can get (or create) for your hammy. Boredom is just from inactivity.!!!!!!!  As for training your hammy to do "tricks"... how about seeing how much food he can shove into his cheeks... that's a fun one! They're soooo cute when they do this! They got some serious cheeks! LOL

  7. Theirs a trick where you can make your hamster hang on the bars.  You just have to lift them up and make their paws kind of hold on to the bars and they will get used to it and do it by themselves.  I've never trained my hamster to do this, but my friend has=)  Hamsters usually can't learn tricks because they have small brains, but your hamster might be as smart or even smarter then my friends so it's worth a try lol.

  8. I don't have a hamster, but my "ultimate" gerbil can play dead, really!

  9. I'm not sure if hamsters are capable of doing tricks....

  10. Sometimes you can teach your hamster to stand up using treats. Hold a treat above her head and she should stand for you. You can try to use voice commands along with it, but hamsters don't always remember voice commands as well as some other rodents. It's worth a try, and might give you something to do! Have you ever tried making a maze for her with a treat at the end? That can be fun & very stimulating for her brain. She definitely won't be bored! Just be creative & you can have tons of fun with her!
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