
Hamster vaginal bleeding?

by Guest44815  |  earlier

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it just started a few hours ago. shes eating and drinking and seems to be behaving normally. what could be going on?




  1. I've had quite a few female hamsters and I've never had any of them have a 'period' enough for me to ever be aware of it.  However last year one of my girls started to bleed and it was serious enough to leave a trail.  All through it she acted perfectly normal - no pain, still eating, running on her wheel, standing up straight and tall on her back legs, harassing the other hams, etc.  It would last for a day or two and then stop and she'd be exhausted for the next day or so and than back to her old tricks.  Until she started to bleed again.  If that's what's going on with your ham, the good news is - its not immediately life threatening.  I knew surgery would most likely kill my little girl if the knock out gas didn't and she was already over two years old so I didn't opt for that route.  Since she wasn't in pain even though it looked horrifying, I decided to let her fight as long as she wanted.  She lasted three months with long periods of no blood at all.  If what your ham is going through is like mine though - you need to take her to the vet ASAP.  A lot of places have 'emergency' vets - if you call your vet's office they may have it on their phone recording or there might be one listed in your phone book.  Otherwise you'll just have to wait until they open shop again after the holiday.  I didn't have the option of a vet that actually knew about hams where I was at the time and it obviously wasn't a urinary tract infection which antibiotics would have cleared up.  So - vet as soon as you can and in the meantime, make sure she's got plenty of food and water and a warm, quiet place to rest.  drape something over a corner of her cage so she's got a bit of a 'cave' she can feel safe in.  Raisins are full of iron which she'll need to replace if she's loosing blood.  I wish I could give you a 'fix-it' solution but that's all I could manage for my own little girl with what I had to work with.  I hope its something simpler and easier to cure.  God bless and good luck.

  2. Sounds like "spotting," which is normal.

  3. mabe she is having a period

  4. Hello!! bleeding from the v***a is not normal for a hamster, but it is right that a spotting may occur now and then, but even this should be investigated. Bleeding from this area suggests that she may have an infection, she will be o.k. till Saturday, if it is still discharging then it may be wise to let the vet take a look.

  5. Yes, animals have menstrual cycles as well as females. So it is very normal. She is just able to have children like us. No worries.

  6. she could be on her menstrual.

    check up with her vet just incase.

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